California Surplus Land Act Overview
The California Surplus Land Act (Government Code section 54220, et seq.) currently requires local agencies, prior to disposing of property, declare the property surplus and to offer to sell or lease that property to certain entities for specified uses, including affordable housing, parks and recreation, and schools uses. After making these preliminary offers, if the disposing agency receives notice of interest from one of the entities under the Act, the disposing agency and the responding entity must enter into negotiations to sell or lease the property for a period of at least 90 days - presumably unless, before that time expires, an agreement is reached or the parties agree to terminate negotiations. If no notice of interest is received or negotiations do not result in a disposition of the property, and the local agency subsequently disposes of the surplus land for development of 10 or more residential units, then not less than 15% of the total number of units developed on the site must be sold or rented as affordable housing.
California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
Assembly Bill 1486 (Ting, 2019) aims to promote affordable housing development on unused or underutilized public land throughout the state. The Bill granted HCD jurisdiction to implement the Act.
Beginning, January 1, 2020, local agencies (cities, counties, and special districts) must send notices about available, surplus local public land to all of the following:
- Any local public entity within the jurisdiction where the surplus local land is located
- Developers who have notified HCD of their interest in developing affordable housing on surplus local land
HCD Surplus Land Act Guidelines
HCD has adopted Surplus Land Act Guidelines and published them at the following website. You can also follow the link to the guidelines here.

City of Garden Grove Notice of Availability of Surplus Land
The Willowick Golf Course site, located in the City of Santa Ana, is situated on 5th Street, adjacent to the Santa Ana River, at 3017 W 5th Street. Owned by the City of Garden Grove, the property is currently developed as an 18-hole golf course. The site is adjacent to the Santa Ana River on the east, and the Pacific Electric (PE) Right-of-Way on the north, and abuts Garden Grove's Buena Clinton neighborhood and the Willowick Royal Mobile Home Park. To the east across the Santa Ana River, is Spurgeon Intermediate School and Spurgeon Park. Directly to the south, is the Cesar Chavez Campesino Park.
Pursuant to the Surplus Land Act, the City of Garden Grove provided notification that the City intends to sell/lease the following property:
Address: 3017 W. 5th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703 (Willowick Golf Course)
APN: 198-291-03, 04, 05, 06, 08; 198-282-01, 02, 03 (See Maps)
Size: 101.5 acres.
Zoning: Open Space
Current Use: Active Commercial Golf Course
Other Information: Sale/lease of the entire site in one transaction is contemplated. City prefers to negotiate a long-term lease of the property. The property is owned by the City of Garden Grove, but is located in the City of Santa Ana, which has land use jurisdiction over the property.
Appraisal: Please click here for the appraisal report
City of Santa Ana General Plan Update
To view more information regarding land use and the new General Plan for the Willowick Golf Course site, please visit Santa Ana's Planning Division page here.
Surplus Land Act Process
February 25, 2020—Adoption of Resolution declaring Willowick surplus land under the Surplus Land Act
March 12, 2020—Notice of Availability of Surplus Land per Govt. Code 54220, et. seq.
April 29, 2020—Notice of Extension
July 10, 2020—Notice of Interest Response(s):
- Borstein Company
- Cesar Chavez Foundation
- City Ventures/Jamboree Housing/Primestor
- Clifford Beers Housing
- County of Orange
- McWhinney
- NOVA Homes, Inc.
- Sapman Developers
- The Trust for Public Land/Coastal Conservancy
- Work Bench
July 24, 2020—City’s Response to Notice of Interest(s):
- Borstein Company
- Cesar Chavez Foundation
- City Ventures/Jamboree Housing/Primestor
- Clifford Beers Housing
- County of Orange
- McWhinney
- NOVA Homes, Inc.
- Sapman Developers
- The Trust for Public Land/Coastal Conservancy
- Work Bench
August 21, 2020—Initial Proposal(s):
- County of Orange
- McWhinney
- Trust for Public Land/Clifford Beer Housing/Coastal Conservancy
- Willowick Community Partners (City Ventures/Jamboree Housing/Primestor)
September 21, 2020—City’s Response to Initial Proposal(s):
- County of Orange
- McWhinney
- Trust for Public Land/Clifford Beer Housing/Coastal Conservancy
- Willowick Community Partners
October 28, 2020—Supplemental Information to Initial Proposal(s):
- McWhinney
- Trust for Public Land/Clifford Beer Housing/Coastal Conservancy
- Willowick Community Partners
December 2, 2020—Notice of Interest Termination(s):
December 8, 2020 City Council Agenda—Report on the status of the Surplus Land Act process for the Willowick Golf Course
- Staff Report
- Resolution 9610-20
- Notice of Availability of Surplus Land per Govt. Code 54220, et. seq.
- Comments from the Trust for Public Land to Staff Report
December 14, 2020—Request for Clarification with TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
December 21, 2020—Letter received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
January 5, 2021—City's Response to letter dated December 21, 2020 from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
January 7, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
February 1, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
February 1, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
April 12, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
April 19, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
April 26, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
April 26, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
April 28, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
April 29, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
April 29, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
April 30, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
April 30, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
May 26, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
May 27, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 3, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 3, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 3, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 3, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 3, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 10, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 10, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 11, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 11, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 16, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 23, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 23, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 28, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 29, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 29, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
June 30, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 8, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 9, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 9, 2021—City's response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 15, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 15, 2021—City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 19, 2021-City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 21, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 21, 2021-City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 23, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 26, 2021-City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 26, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 27, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 29, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 29, 2021-City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
July 29, 2021—City's Response to Supplemental Information to Initial Proposal(s):
- McWhinney Email
- McWhinney Attachment
- Willowick Community Partners Email
- Willowick Community Partners Attachment
July 30, 2021-Email received from McWhinney
August 6, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
August 9, 2021—Email received from WCP:
August 11, 2021—Email received from McWhinney
August 12, 2021-City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
August 12, 2021—Email received from WCP:
August 18, 2021-City's Response to WCP
August 20, 2021—Email received from WCP:
August 23, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
August 23, 2021—Email received from McWhinney:
August 23, 2021-City's Response to WCP
August 27, 2021—Email received from McWhinney:
September 2, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
September 3, 2021-City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
September 29, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
October 1, 2021—City's Response to:
- McWhinney Email
- McWhinney Attachment
- TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc. Email
- TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc. Attachment
- WCP Email
- WCP Attachment
October 5, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
October 11, 2021—Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
October 11, 2021—City's Response to:
October 19, 2021 - Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
- TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc. Email
- TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc. Attachment
October 20, 2021-City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
October 20, 2021—Email received from McWhinney
October 20, 2021—City's response to McWhinney
October 20, 2021-Email received from WCP
October 20, 2021—City's response to WCP
November 3, 2021-City's Response to:
November 4, 2021 - Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
November 9, 2021 - Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
November 9, 2021-City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
November 9, 2021 - Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
November 15, 2021-City's Response to TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
November 15, 2021 - Email received from TPL, State Coastal Conservancy, and CBH, Inc.
December 20, 2021 —City's response to the in-person meeting held with McWhinney and WCP on November 30, 2021
December 20, 2021—City's response to the in-person meeting held with TPL
December 21, 2021—Email received from McWhinney
December 22, 2021 - Email received from TPL
January 6, 2022—City's Response to:
January 6, 2022 - Email received from TPL
February 8, 2022 - Email received from TPL
February 9, 2022—City's Response to TPL
February 9, 2022—Email received from TPL
February 10, 2022—Email received from WCP
February 10, 2022—Email received from McWhinney
February 14, 2022—City's Response to:
March 3, 2022—Email received from WCP
March 3, 2022—City's response to WCP
March 7, 2022—Correspondence:
- Email received from TPL
- City's Response to TPL
- Email received from TPL
- City's Email to TPL
- City's Email to WCP
- City's Email to McWhinney
- Letter Received from the City of Santa Ana
March 18, 2022—Email received from WCP:
March 21, 2022—City's response to WCP
March 22, 2022—Correspondence
- Email received from TPL
- Attachment
- City's Response to Email received from TPL
- Email received from TPL
March 24, 2022—Correspondence
- City's Email to McWhinney
- City's Correspondence to McWhinney
- City's Email to WCP
- City's Correspondence to WCP
- City's Email to TPL
- City's Correspondence to TPL
- TPL's Response to City
March 24, 2022—Email received from TPL
Housing Sponsor Contact List—Please click here