Public Works
Water Bill Payment can be made:11/10/2021 - 04:52 PM
- Over the phone: (888) 967 - 2992
- Online:
- Pay by mail
- Drop off check or money order payment in the drop box in the front of City Hall
To inquire about your water bill, start or stop water services, call (714) 741-5078 or visit
Water/Sewer Operations11/10/2021 - 04:52 PM
During Business Hours: (714) 741 - 5395
After Business Hours (EMERGENCIES): (714) 741 - 5704 (This number is answered by the Police Department)Please Note
Water Customers and/or Plumbers are NOT to operate water shut-off valves at the meter box. If damaged, responsible party is liable for repairs/replacement. More information on Water Shut-Off valves

Through February 15, 2022, all visitors entering the Garden Grove Municipal Service Center must wear a face covering, regardless of vaccination status, in accordance with the updated mandate from the California Department of Public Health.

Garden Grove Municipal Service Center
13802 Newhope St
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Phone: (714) 741 - 5375
The Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance and construction of all municipal facilities and equipment and associated infrastructure. This includes streets, sidewalks, parks, public buildings, street trees, flood control channels, traffic signals and City-owned vehicles and equipment. Additionally, the department is responsible for the City's water system and managing trash and recycling services.