
How Purchases are Made?
The City is dedicated to the principles of competition and fair practices. The goal of the Purchasing Staff is to conserve public funds through reduction in cost and improvement in quality materials and services purchased. For more information see our guide on Doing Business with the City of Garden Grove.
Purchasing FAQ's
- How Do I Get on the Bidder’s List?
- What is the delivery address?
- Vendor Visits
- Payment of Invoices
- Permits and Licenses
- Gifts and Gratuities
- Questions or Comments?
The City of Garden Grove is now using a vendor and bid management system to conveniently assist you in the City’s procurement process. Current and new vendors that would like to receive notification of bid opportunities from the City of Garden Grove must register online (Planet Bids Portal). This system requires all vendors to have e-mail capability to download solicitations, documents, addendums, and award information. Both formal and informal solicitations will be processed through the online bidding system but only informal bids will be accepted electronically.
Unless otherwise instructed, all deliveries should be made to the Central Stores Warehouse, located at:
13802 Newhope Street
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Delivery hours are Monday thru Thursday only from 6:30am-2:30pm.
The City actively encourages participation from all vendors. Vendors are encouraged to make appointments prior to visiting the Purchasing Division/Central Stores Warehouse. Courtesy visits are not encouraged, as staff may not be available due to daily responsibilities. Appointments ensure that staff is available and prepared to speak with you about your product or service. All appointments are to be scheduled with the Purchasing Division directly at (714) 741-5052.
To ensure prompt payment, all invoices should include the purchase order number, if applicable. Please submit all invoices to the City’s Accounts Payable Department using one of the following two methods:
- Email and electronic version of your invoice to: accountspayable@ggcity.org
- Mail your invoice to:
City of Garden Grove
Accounts Payable Department
Subject: Invoice Submission
P.O. BOX 3070
Garden Grove, CA 92842
If payment information on an invoice is required, please contact the City of Garden Grove, Finance, Accounts Payable (714) 741-5068 or (714) 741-5069.
A Garden Grove business license is required for all vendors doing business in the City of Garden Grove. For more information please call our Business License section at (714) 741-5074.
City employees are prohibited from accepting personal gifts or gratuities from current or potential vendors since this can be viewed as an influence in procurement decisions. We greatly appreciate your assistance in adhering to this policy.
The Purchasing Division values your feedback and suggestions on what we can do to make your experience with the City of Garden Grove a pleasant one. Please send an email to purchasing@ggcity.orgwith your questions or comments.