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Environmental Documents

Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)


Notices of Determination (NOD)


Notices of Exemption (NOE)

Site Plan No. SP-070-2019 (REINSTATEMENT 2024)

Location: Northwest corner of Westminster Avenue and Atlantis Way, at 9191 Westminster Avenue

Related Cases: Variance No. V-023-2019 (REINSTATEMENT 2024)

Project Description: A request to reinstate the approval of Site Plan No. SP-070-2019 to construct a 7,140 square-foot third floor addition to an existing two story, approximately 29,000 square-foot, medical office building, and to reinstate the approval of Variance No. V-023-2019 to deviate from the maximum stories and height permitted in the O-P (Office Professional) zone to facilitate the construction of the new third floor addition.

Public Hearing Date: July 25, 2024

Site Plan No. SP-141-2024

Location: North side of Orangewood Avenue, between Mac Street and Magnolia Street, at 8791-8811 Orangewood Avenue.

Related Cases: Lot Line Adjustment No. LLA-031-2024, and Conditional Use Pernmit No. CUP-493-00 (REV. 2024)

Project Description: A request to expand an existing religious facility by incorporating an approximately 0.42-acre adjoining parcel into the development's site area, and constructing a new ancillary building. The Planning Commission will consider approval of (ii) a Site Plan to construct a new 4,285 square foot two-story ancillary building to serve the existing religious facility site, along with associated site improvements; (ii) a Lot Line Adjustment to remove an existing lot line for the purposes of consolidating two (2) adjoining lots into one (1) lot to accommodate the religious facility expansion; and (iii) a modification to Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-493-00 to allow the expansion of the religious use. Upon approval and exercise of the subject request, the Conditional Use Permit previously governing the subject religious facility, CUP- 493-00, would be replaced by the modified Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-493-00 (REV. 2024).

Public Hearing Date: August 15, 2024

Site Plan No. SP-142-2024

Location: West side of Jefferson Street, south of Larson Street, at 13171 Jefferson Street.

Related Cases: N/A

Project Description: A request for Site Plan approval to construct an eight (8) unit, three-story multiple-family residential building and associated site improvements on an approximately 0.23-acre lot. The proposal includes one (1) affordable housing unit for "very low-income" households. Inclusion of the one (1) very low-income unit qualifies the project for a density bonus, concessions, waivers, and reduced parking pursuant to the State Density Bonus Law.

Public Hearing Date: September 5, 2024

DR-060-2022 (Reinstatement 2024)

Location: Northwest corner of Dakota Avenue and Flower Street, at 10061 Dakota Avenue.

Related Cases: N/A

Project Description: A request to reinstate the Director's Review approval of a new duplex at 10061 Dakota Avenue. Both units would consist of approximately 1,802 square feet, with four (4) bedrooms and three (3) bathrooms, and a new two-car garage.

Public Hearing Date: August 28, 2024