Division Info

Contact Engineering Division: 714-741-5192.


Engineering has 3 sections: Land Development, Capital Projects, and Traffic.

Land Development

The Land Development Section is responsible for property research assistance, street and grading permits and plan review. Home Owners and Developers please read the frequently asked questions:



Encroachment Permit

2016 Development Impact Fee Study

Capital Improvements

The Capital Improvement Section is responsible for the design and construction management of approximately $17 million public infrastructure improvements. View the Open Bids and Construction Status Updates page.


The Traffic Section is responsible for traffic impacts, and coordinating the City's 136 traffic signals and traffic complaint resolution.


The City is currently updating the Master Plan of Bikeway Facilities. Likewise, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is updating its Regional Bikeway Facilities Map. The two agencies will be working together in the coming months.
2008 Bikeway Map

Street Lighting

Report a Street Light Outage
To report a street light outage, please contact:

Alexa Viramontes

Add Residential Lighting to Your Neighborhood
Learn about the residential lighting request process.