Residential Street Lighting Request Process
Residential Street Lighting Request Process (PDF)
Formal Process
1. Formal Request- A request is submitted by homeowners to the City’s Engineering Department requesting installation of additional lighting.
2. Preliminary Field Review- Staff from the City's Engineering Department will conduct a field review of the area to assess current lighting, utility poles, and electricity sources.
3. Field Meeting- Public Works Staff will meet with Southern California Edison to identify specifics of the project (estimated number of poles, locations, electricity sources) and put together a project cost estimate.
4. Informal Survey- An informal survey with cost estimates for additional lighting will be sent out to property owners. A 51% majority in favor of the work is required to move
forward in the process.
5. Formal Ballot- After the informal survey is completed and a 51% majority requirement is met, a formal ballot will be mailed out to property owners.
6. Public Hearing- Once ballots are submitted, the City Clerk will count and tally votes in a public meeting per Proposition 218 requirements.
a. Proposition 218 requires a public hearing and voting process to make any property-related increase to assessment fees.
7. Results Letter- Following the public hearing, a results letter will be sent to all property owners to inform them of the public hearing results.
8. Installation- If the request is approved, the City will notify SCE to begin the design and installation of lighting.
Estimated Costs for Property Owners
All dollar values below are estimates and are subject to change, contingent upon the scope of the installation request.
- Administrative costs to assess the affected street(s) and update the existing lighting district assessments: Approximately $2,500 per light pole
- Installation costs: Approximately $3,000-$5,000 per marbelite pole installation
- Ongoing lighting maintenance: Maintenance can range from $50 - $200 per year depending on the number of fixtures, bulb types, etc., and will be split among affected
Questions Regarding Residential Street Lighting
For any inquiries or street light requests, please contact:
Alexa Viramontes