Short Term Vacation Rental Detailed Terms

Short-term vacation rentals have become very popular in the last few years. However, short-term vacation rentals are prohibited in residential zones of the City of Garden Grove. The City of Garden Grove Land Use Code outlines permitted uses in residential zones. It is a “permissive” zoning code – any use not specifically indicated in the code is prohibited. Short-term vacation rentals are the same as hotels or motels, which are defined as places rented to transients for a term of less than 30 consecutive days. Hotels/motels are commercial uses that are only allowed in commercial zones with a conditional use permit. Renting out a residence in the City’s residential zones for less than 30 days is punishable as a misdemeanor and fines can be imposed up to $1,000 per day per violation, six months in jail, or both. Additionally, each day that a violation exists constitutes a separate offense and can result in these penalties for each violation.
You may refer to the following sections of the Code. For single-family residential - 9.32.020(E)(1) – Illegal Hotel/Motel Use (See, – [commercial use in residential zone] and [permitted uses]); for multi-family residential - 9.32.020(E)(1) – Illegal Hotel/Motel Use (See, – [commercial use in residential zone] and [permitted uses]).
Although the City has enforced the illegal use of residential properties as short-term or vacation rentals for many years, the number of complaints has recently increased substantially and the City is now allocating more resources to enforce the Code. Consequently, if you do not wish to be fined or prosecuted for violations of the Code, please ensure that your residentially-zoned property is not used as a vacation or short-term rental, or other transient occupancy of 30 days or less, and that your property manager and/or tenants refrain from using your property in that manner.
The City’s Code Enforcement Staff responds to complaints regarding short-term vacation rentals. Most complaints are a result of adverse impacts (noise, traffic, parking, garbage, light, privacy and safety). If you become aware that a single-family or multi-family residential location is being rented as a short-term vacation rental, please download and complete the AFFIDAVIT FOR VACATION OR SHORT-TERM RENTAL CITATION, which outlines the information necessary for the City to cite or prosecute violations. You may hand-deliver or mail the completed and executed form and supporting evidence at:
City of Garden Grove
Attn: Code Enforcement
11222 Acacia Parkway
Garden Grove, CA 92840
For additional information, you may contact Code Enforcement at (714) 741-5351.