List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 1445 November 18

Inspection/calibration records for the traffic signal controller located at Trask and Harbor for October 2013 through November 2014. Any traffic survey done after July, 21, 2008, if any, for Trask between Brookhurst and Harbor boulevards. Thank you.

Closed 1444 November 18

I would like to request fire records for the address 7012 Belgrave Ave, Garden Grove, CA

Hazardous materials disclosures, permits, and environmental records.

Closed 1443 November 17

Re: Public Records Request

Dear Public Records Officer:

I represent the Orange County IBEW-NECA Electrical Workers Defined Contribution Plan. This email constitutes a public records request for copies of any and all certified payroll records for work performed between August 1, 2010 and m...

Closed 1442 November 17

Please send me a new business list with businesses that requested for a business license from 06/01/15 to 11/1/15.

Thank you for your help.

Closed 1441 November 17

REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS (City Fire Department Records):
Sespe Consulting is performing some environmental due diligence on the following property:
-13281, 13285, 13289, 13293, 13297, 13301, 13305, 13309, 13321 Brookhurst Street
-Garden Grove, CA 92843
-APN's: 098-212-67
As part of this d...

Closed 1440 November 17

Sespe Consulting, iNC. is performing some environmental due diligence on the following property:
-13281, 13285, 13289, 13293, 13297, 13301, 13305, 13309, 13321 Brookhurst Street
-Garden Grove, CA 92843
-APN's: 098-212-67
As part of this due di...

Closed 1437 November 16

Please see the attached letter for a full description of the request.

Closed 1436 November 12

Requesting copies of invoices from Turbo Data for the last 14 months re parking citation processing services. Would prefer to receive the responsive documents via email. Thank you.

Closed 1435 November 12

Dear City Clerk:
This is a California Public Records Act (Govt Code ยงยง 6250-6277) request for documents maintained by the City. I hereby request documentation from the City which identifies the Joint Pool Risk (Claims) Insurance provider for the City. To avoid placing any burden of time and/or c...

Closed 1434 November 12

Historical building permits for the property located at 12644 Westminster Avenue, Garden Grove, CA.


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray