Submit a new request

For records regarding police records, please see Request a Copy of a Police Report instead. Do not submit a request through this system.
To obtain a copy of a Fire Incident Report and/or Fire Department records:
  • Prior to August 16, 2019, please request through the City of Garden Grove, proceed to submit request through this system.
  • As of August 16, 2019, please request through the Orange County Fire Authority Clerk at 714-573-6040, do not submit request through this system.
Campaign Finance Statements and Statements of Economic Interests are available for inspection and reproduction during regular business hours, no appointment necessary to review these records.

ALL building permit records are now available online. Please visit the City's Building Permits Archives and provide ONLY the street number and name (NO St., Cr., Ave., etc.):

(Note: Any available record pertaining to building permits is included with the building permit online file. If the building has a Certificate of Occupancy, it will be contained within the permit files.)

For all other general building questions, please contact the Building & Safety Division at (714) 741-5307.

Attach as many files as needed.


Optional Contact Information

Your name will be visible on the request.

If you provide your email address, the response will be emailed to you. If you do not, please make note of the request number given to you on the following screen and use this system to check on its status.


I understand that I will be contacted (if contact information is provided) once documents have been identified. If production of records is requested, an estimated cost will be provided to me and I agree that I will be required to submit payment for duplication costs (and mailing) prior to the production of the requested documents.

Please note that information contained in any PRA request is a public record and may be subject to public inspection pursuant to the CA Public Records Act.

By submitting this form, this serves as my online signature.
