List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 1761 April 22


Recently Garden Grove Code Violation (714 741 5358) was called to inspect the property at 12322 Loraleen Street Garden Grove, CA.

I would like to receive copies of all documents relating to code violations and complaints for the property. (both recently and in the past)

I would al...

Closed 1760 April 21

Copies of all documents relating to code violations and complaints for the property located at 11021 Woodbury Road, Garden Grove, CA.

Closed 1759 April 21

Copies of ALL Code Enforcement documents/actions taken by the City pertaining to the property located at 11191 Rainer Court, Garden Grove, 92841.

Please provide as soon as possible.

Closed 1758 April 20


Not sure who is supposed to send the Garden Grove Chamber the new businesses that have opened in Garden Grove lists, but I have not received one for a while. Can I get one e-mailed to me?

Thank you

Closed 1757 April 20

Subject: 11521 Stuart Dr, Garden Grove, CA 92843

We have been hired to perform an Environmental and Engineering Assessment of the above referenced property. In accordance with regulations, we are required to contact local agencies and ask the following:

1) Are there any current building...

Closed 1756 April 20

Subject: 11521 Stuart Dr, Garden Grove, CA 92843

We have been hired to perform an Environmental and Engineering Assessment of the above referenced property. In accordance with regulations, we are required to contact local agencies and ask the following:

1) Are there any current building...

Closed 1755 April 20

List of residential building contractors licensed in the City of Garden Grove.

Thank you.

Closed 1754 April 19

City officials and PIOs,

Good morning. My colleague Susan Goulding and I are writing a story about city-issued credit and debit cards, and the local policies that govern their use.

--Does your municipality have a credit/debit-card use policy?

--If so, what does the policy say? When was t...

Closed 1753 April 19

Can you give me information regarding 13882 Anita PL, Garden Grove 92843 Square footage, GLA, permits and lot size, is it R1? R2? basically I need two know if it sits on two lots and the corrected and legal size.

Closed 1752 April 19

Hi Kim,

I hope you're well.

I just have some questions about the group that held the Tet Festival at Garden Grove Park in 2014. I recall that late last year the city rejected an application for the Vietnamese Community of Southern California to hold the festival again because it owed the c...


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