List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 1293 September 09

We are performing a phase I ESA on property at 10802 Katella Avenue and are in need of records for this property. Specifically we need any fire department reports related to under/above ground storage tanks or hazardous waste issues (permitting, tank removal, spillage, or contamination), fire cod...

Closed 1292 September 09

We are performing a phase I ESA on property at 10802 Katella Avenue and are unsure if this address is in Garden GRove or Anaheim. We need records of building permits and dates issued for this address if you have them.

Closed 1291 September 09

I need a Certified Copy of my Birth Certificate. May 20, 1991. I was told to contact the county office.

Closed 1290 September 09

Copy of the incident report for a car fire that occurred on August 26, 2015, near the intersection of West Street and Dunklee Street.

Closed 1289 September 09

Copy of Red Light Photo from Citation.

Citation # GG089274PE

Closed 1288 September 08

Good afternoon,

My firm, a computer software company, is gathering some information about Tourism Improvement District Assessment in your city.

I have found a copy of the Ordinance attached. Could I have a copy of the Tax Return Form?

Thank you so much for your help.

Closed 1287 September 08

Re: Garden Grove Police Department U-Visa Certifications

Please see the attached request regarding the above subject matter.

Closed 1286 September 08

RE: Stephen Doreck Equipment Rentals, Inc. (Prime Contractor)

PROJECT NO. 7400 - Water Service Line Replacement and Improvements Phase

Please provide the following information:
1) Certified Payroll Records
2) Copy of Proof of Publication/Advertisement
3) Copy of Notice to Proceed
4) N...

Closed 1285 September 08

Request for a copy of the General Contractor, Sub-Contractors List, Multiple Prime Contractor's if any, Start & Completion Date, Bid Advertisement Date and Award Date for the following project:

Project No. 7271 - Brookhurst Street Rehabilitation - Hawk Pedestrian Signal

Closed 1284 September 08

Any environmental information including UST or HazMat files, violations, or records of soil or groundwater contamination for 11162 Garden Grove Boulevard, Garden Grove. Thank you.


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray