List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 8862 | October 12 | Requesting fire department records prior to 2019 for underground storage tank, hazardous materials, inspection, and violations for the property located at 9202 Garden Grove Boulevard, Garden Grove, CA 92844. Also requesting any interceptor or clarifier records for the same property. |
Closed | 8861 | October 11 | Requesting copies of all records, contracts, statements, statistics, costs and payments made pertaining to cats, that were impounded and released under the TNR (Trap Neuter Release) program. My request is for the dates of 01-01-20 to 12-31-22. |
Closed | 8860 | October 11 | Hi,
Closed | 8859 | October 11 | We are doing an environmental site assessment on the property and would like to know if there are any records in regards to underground/aboveground storage tanks, hazardous materials, hazardous waste, septic tanks, and/or any clarifiers on the property located at:
Closed | 8858 | October 10 | October 9, 2023 Subject Property: 12051 Euclid Street
Dear Municipality Official, At our client’s request, we are seeking the following information: • Code Violations: Please note whether or not there are currently any open/outstandi... |
Closed | 8857 | October 09 | Hi,
Closed | 8856 | October 09 | Requesting records for 13812 Newland St |
Closed | 8855 | October 09 | October 9, 2023 Subject Property: 12051 Euclid Street
Dear Municipality Official, At our client’s request, we are seeking the following information: • Any Variances, Special Permits, Conditions, etc: Please note the existence of these ... |
Closed | 8854 | October 09 | October 9, 2023 Subject Property: 12051 Euclid Street
Dear Municipality Official, At our client’s request, we are seeking the following information: • Planned Public Improvements/Roadway Condemnation: Please note whether or not there a... |
Closed | 8853 | October 09 | Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the City’s unclaimed property or open records laws, I would like to request a list of all the uncashed (stale-dated) checks or warrants for all outstanding dollar amounts that are older than 6 months and any other checks that are considered un... |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due