List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 8840 | October 02 | Who is owner plaza on beach and garden grove (redo39 |
Closed | 8839 | October 02 | Do you guys have any copy of the existing site plans for this property that we can request? Our client is planning to do some T.I work at this suite and was wondering if can see the existing site plan so we can reference our drawings. Address: 10130 Garden Grove Blvd, Suite 101, Garden Grov... |
Closed | 8838 | September 27 | Hello, Please provide all and any information that can be shared with regard to code enforcement case #190862. Thank you. |
Closed | 8837 | September 26 | Requesting to view a copy of the Development Agreement between the City of Garden Grove and Outfront Billboard. |
Closed | 8836 | September 25 | 12331 Oakwood St, Garden Grove, CA 92840 |
Closed | 8835 | September 25 | This is a request under the California Public Records Act by the Institute for Justice, a non-profit organization in Arlington, Virginia. From my initial research, I believe the records I am requesting below are in the City Clerk's office, but please let me know if I need to contact a different o... |
Closed | 8834 | September 25 | Any and all building permits for 9231 Shannon Ave. Garden Grove |
Closed | 8833 | September 25 | Utility As-Builts regarding block northwest of intersection at Euclid Street and Acacia Parkway. Specifically on Acacia Parkway from Euclid Street to 8th Street. |
Closed | 8832 | September 21 | DEMAND FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1:
Closed | 8831 | September 21 | DEMAND FOR PRODUCTION NO. 1:
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due