List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8817 September 15

Any and all records related to Request #8296, which was submitted on or about January 26, 2023. Such records may include, but are not limited to, the name, company name, address, phone number, email address of the the person(s) or entity who made the request.

Closed 8816 September 15

Requesting copies of ALL building permits including the original building permit and certificate of occupancy for 11562 & 11582 Markon Drive Garden Grove

Closed 8815 September 15

see attachment

Closed 8814 September 15

Dear City Clerk’s Office,

I wish to submit a formal request to obtain a copy of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) regarding alcohol sales for El Super, which is located at 12891 Harbor Blvd. or information regarding whether the location was grandfathered in.

For reference, the ABC li...

Closed 8813 September 14

All permits for 12345 Flint Place

Closed 8812 September 13


I'm requesting a copy of the Garden Grove Police Department policy manual for 2023.

Thank you for your time.

Closed 8811 September 14


Good morning,

I am investigating a traffic accident that occurred on September 6, 2023 at approximately 6pm.

Please provide, if possible, the phasing sequence for the intersection lights around that time.

If there are an...

Closed 8810 September 14

I’m looking for existing building records for building plancheck submittal of 800 sf New ADU. Please advise thank you

Closed 8809 September 14

I’m looking for existing building records for building plancheck submittal of 800 sf New ADU. Please advise thank you

Closed 8808 September 13

RFQ- the New Civic Center Public Safety Building, Park, and Parking Structure
Sol#: S-1314 / BID Date: 08/28/2023
Good day!

I’m with ConstructConnect. I am writing to request a copy of the shortlist of bidders for the above project, and if available, the awarded one. I would also like...


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    Not yet received
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    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
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    Past due
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