List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8797 September 07

All commercial building permits that were issued from 08/01/2023 to 08/31/2023 with the issued date, address, job description, valuation, and owner/tenant information.

Closed 8795 September 05

Fire department records for 11671 and 11681 Anabel Ave, Garden Grove, CA

Closed 8794 September 05

Geotechnical Report for 12791 Brookhurst Street, dated October 17, 2013

Full title:
Report of Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Proposed Residential (Phase I) and Commercial (Phase II) Development, 12791 Brookhurst street, (Brookhurst Triangle) APN: 0899-661-03 to 06, 089-071-06, 07, 1...

Closed 8793 September 05

Good morning and thank you for your time. I just got done speaking to the clerk and building permit Department of Garden Grove. I was instructed, this was the best way for us to receive information regarding any and all records “archive” the first residence on property address referring to 8331 ...

Closed 8792 September 05

can i get the listing for new business permits for the previous month of August in Excel format, Thank you

Closed 8791 September 05

Dear Sir or Madam,

Pursuant to the state statutes regarding public information, I am inquiring to whether you can provide the following information:

1. A copy of any existing records showing information regarding depositor names, amounts and dates for unrefunded cash escrows, cash deposi...

Closed 8789 September 05

Please email as PDF: New Business License Listings August 2023

Bus. name, phone number, owner's name, & any home based, where possible

Closed 8788 September 05

Paving / parking lot addition permit located in playfield at Barker Elementary 12565 Springdale Street, Garden Grove 92845

Closed 8786 September 01

Request Code: 12811524
Date: 08/31/23

On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@...

Closed 8785 September 01

We are requesting a copy of Garden Grove's Employee Compensation Report for the 2022 calendar year under the provisions of California Gov. Code § 7920, the California Public Records Act.

The purpose of this request is to obtain records which provide a complete and comprehensive account of Gar...


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    Not yet received
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    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray