List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 1673 March 21

A copy of the Fire Department's Incident Report for a house fire that occurred on January 29, 2016, at the property located 10011 Green Fern Circle, Westminster, 92683.

I believe that the Garden Grove Fire Department may have responded to this incident.

Closed 1672 March 21

Garden Grove Fire Response and Investigation Report, Photographs, if available. 1900 block of West Sumac Lane, Anaheim, CA. 5:45 a.m. Friday, February 19, 2016. Response by Garden Grove Fire Department - Mattress caught on fire inside of an apartment. Request for investigation - U.S. Consumer Pr...

Closed 1671 March 21

Fulcrum Resources Environmental is conducting a Phase I Environmental Assessment at 7351 Garden Grove Blvd. As part of a property assessment, we wish to determine whether government agencies possess records on the subject property that may include potential environmental concerns. These concerns ...

Closed 1670 March 16

Good morning,

I am doing an internal audit for all franchised Fresenius clinics. Can you please provide me with your most recent franchise agreement or government document listing the franchised trash and/or recycling rates for the following location?

12761 Harbor Blvd
Garden Gr...

Closed 1669 March 16

Good Afternoon,

My name is Sarah Trocchio and I am a PhD student in New Jersey. I am trying to locate the texts of city code (and associated punishments) that were in effect between 1997-2000 for the following offenses: 1.) Panhandling/Begging 2.) Loitering (for any purpose), 3.) Public Sleepi...

Closed 1668 March 14

On 03/08/2016, around 12 ~ 1am, the Garden Grove Fire Department was dispatched to my home at 12322 Loraleen Street Garden Grove, CA 92841 for a fire by my garage (trash bins caught fire). My neighbor who lives at 12291 Loraleen Street Garden Grove, CA 92841 called 911 and the fire dept showed u...

Closed 1667 March 14

looking for records of homes with code violations.

Closed 1666 March 11

Marriage Certificate

Closed 1665 March 11

Please see attachment.

Closed 1663 March 10

I would like to request digital copies of All building permits Issued in January & February of 2016.

Thank You!


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    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
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    Past due
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