List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 1569 | January 27 | Greetings, City Clerk: Under the Public Records Act (California Gov. Code ยง6250 et seq.), I hereby request a copy of the current Athletic Field/Facility Use and Allocation Policy. Please provide records by email within 10 calendar days. |
Closed | 1568 | January 27 | Any reports by Horwath HTL for the period between Jan. 1, 2008 and Dec 31, 2015. |
Closed | 1567 | January 26 | Copy of the run reports/sheet and Incident Report (G1513835) pertaining to a vehicle accident that occurred on December 6, 2015, near the location of Chapman Avenue east of Ninth Street. Also, please provide the employee numbers for the following:
Closed | 1566 | January 26 | Copies of building records and building code violations pertaining to the property located at 10321 Ballard Drive, Garden Grove, 92840. |
Closed | 1564 | January 25 | Onward Engineering would like to request a copy of the winning proposal for the RFP for On-Call Civil Engineering Plan Checking & On-Call Construction Inspection Services. Thank You |
Closed | 1563 | January 25 | Requesting copies of emails and other communications sent by Garden Grove resident Tony Flores to the City of Garden Grove within regards to city matters and issues related thereto that he has raised. Recently in a public forum he indicated he had emailed City Manager Scott Stiles. Thank you. |
Closed | 1562 | January 25 | the gem peddler ilaglly caused things to my kids and house whhe I ran out ofthere -these people w3ho did not live in my house are tryignto cause this man calling himself steven gilbert( it chavis and associates-I had a baby onoy and a full tiem job at target ask Karin osbarn in 1985-harbor blvd-... |
Closed | 1561 | January 25 | Hello, Can we have a copy of the release to issue the supplement, and the original at closing to record.
Closed | 1560 | January 25 | To whom it may concern,
Closed | 1559 | January 25 | Please provide copies of any open of pending Zoning Violations for:
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due