List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 1685 | March 28 | Requesting copy of the Traffic Accident Investigation occurred on 3/21/16 Case #16-014739. |
Closed | 1682 | March 28 | Hello, May I please have a copy of the DDA for the proposed hotel site on the North West corner of Harbor and Twintree with proposed developers, "Land Design." Please and thank you! |
Closed | 1681 | March 28 | Historical building permits for property located at 6662 Killarney Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92845. Parcel number: 130-464-15. Please e-mail the PDF documents. |
Closed | 1680 | March 28 | Requesting Bid Tabulation/Pricing results from all bidders for the Garden Grove PD Audio/Visual project that bid on 2/8/16. |
Closed | 1679 | March 25 | All communications, including city manager memos, to and from the city manager's office and city council members, for the period of Dec. 1, 2015 until Mar. 25, 2016. |
Closed | 1678 | March 25 | Good day:
Closed | 1677 | March 23 | Good Afternoon, I was wondering the best way to obtain the most recent building permit report for the city. Any info would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time. |
Closed | 1676 | March 22 | Requesting an in-person file review of any/all environmental/fire department records under the property address 12442 Knott Avenue. We are conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) of this property. Thank you. |
Closed | 1675 | March 21 | Request for the awarded General Contractor, Sub-Contractors List, Multiple Prime Contractors (if any), Start & Completion Date, Bid Advertisement Date and Award Date for the following referenced project. Audio Visual System Install (Garden Grove Police Dept) - S1183
Closed | 1674 | March 21 | To Whom it May Concern: Under the "Public Records Act" and the "Freedom of Information Act of 1971", I would like to request the following Public Records: 1. All City Issued Outstanding/Uncashed checks issued that are 90 days or
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due