List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 1685 March 28

Requesting copy of the Traffic Accident Investigation occurred on 3/21/16 Case #16-014739.

Closed 1682 March 28


May I please have a copy of the DDA for the proposed hotel site on the North West corner of Harbor and Twintree with proposed developers, "Land Design."

Please and thank you!

Closed 1681 March 28

Historical building permits for property located at 6662 Killarney Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92845. Parcel number: 130-464-15. Please e-mail the PDF documents.

Closed 1680 March 28

Requesting Bid Tabulation/Pricing results from all bidders for the Garden Grove PD Audio/Visual project that bid on 2/8/16.

Closed 1679 March 25

All communications, including city manager memos, to and from the city manager's office and city council members, for the period of Dec. 1, 2015 until Mar. 25, 2016.

Closed 1678 March 25

Good day:
I pray this request finds you in good health and spirits.
In 1983, I graduated from the Garden Grove, CA vocational nursing school: Institute of Medical Studies (IMS).
Currently, my new employer is unable to locate IMS.
Did the school close, change name and/or location?
Please ass...

Closed 1677 March 23

Good Afternoon,

I was wondering the best way to obtain the most recent building permit report for the city. Any info would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.

Closed 1676 March 22

Requesting an in-person file review of any/all environmental/fire department records under the property address 12442 Knott Avenue. We are conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) of this property. Thank you.

Closed 1675 March 21

Request for the awarded General Contractor, Sub-Contractors List, Multiple Prime Contractors (if any), Start & Completion Date, Bid Advertisement Date and Award Date for the following referenced project.

Audio Visual System Install (Garden Grove Police Dept) - S1183
11301 Acacia Parkway

Closed 1674 March 21

To Whom it May Concern:

Under the "Public Records Act" and the "Freedom of Information Act of 1971", I would like to request the following Public Records:

1. All City Issued Outstanding/Uncashed checks issued that are 90 days or
older and in the amount of equal to or greater than $5,000.


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray