List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 8157 | November 14 | Plans/Structural Calculations for Monument Sign Permit#: 14-0042
Closed | 8156 | November 14 | Request a copy of a fire report for the property address : 12272 Tamerlane Dr. Garden Grove, CA. 92840 |
Closed | 8155 | November 14 | SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Garden Grove for all current employee/staff contact information. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable... |
Closed | 8154 | November 10 | Request Code: 12182368
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@... |
Closed | 8153 | November 10 | Please be advised this email contains a Public Records Act Request. Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Govt. Code §§ 6250-6276.48, I (“Requestor”) respectfully requests to inspect all public records in the possession or control of the district, which includes any non-priveleged doc... |
Closed | 8152 | November 09 | Under Article I, Section 3 of the California State Constitution and the California Public Records Act, please provide to me any franchise agreement between Garden Grove and San Diego Gas and Electric for electricity and natural gas. We are attempting to organize the cities in the SDG&E territory ... |
Closed | 8151 | November 09 | Surveillance footage; car accident on magnolia and lampson. 8:25pm-8:30pm |
Closed | 8150 | November 08 | Any code violations, revocation of licenses ,permits or citations on Hospitality Inn at 7900 Garden grove Blvd, Garden grove, APN# 096-281-09. Property is for sale and I like to know what will be requirements for new owner to operate this as a Motel. |
Closed | 8149 | November 08 | Good morning Sir or Madam, would you please help me get the building records for this address, 9622 Skylark Blvd. Garden Grove, Ca. 92841. Your sooner respond would be greatly appreciated. |
Closed | 8148 | November 08 | Please provide permits and violations for 12521 Hazel Avenue. Thank you! |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due