List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 8168 | November 21 | Plans of existing utilities, ie water, sewer, gas, electrical, for project at 10061 Dakota Avenue, northwest corner of Dakota Avenue and Flower Street.
Closed | 8167 | November 21 | Please send to me a list of all city owned land that is available for sale.
Closed | 8165 | November 21 | Copies of permits, surveys, certificates of occupancy, correspondence, violations, and ownership documents pertaining to the Garden Square Shopping Center. Specifically Emerson Place and these APNs: 098-067-03; 098-062-27; 098-062-31. I have attached an assessor map for convenience. |
Closed | 8164 | November 21 |
Closed | 8163 | November 21 | I am submitting this records request for a copy of all current contracts for Multi-Function Device printers and copiers, including equipment costs, applicable lease agreements and maintenance agreements for the City of Garden Grove. My request also extends to any managed IT service contracts suc... |
Closed | 8162 | November 16 | Conditions of approval imposed on the development commonly known as Walden Community Association, which is located in the City of Garden Grove, County of Orange, on Tract No. 17521, as shown on a Map filed in Book 924, pages 48-50, of miscellaneous maps. |
Closed | 8161 | November 16 | Case #181698
Closed | 8160 | November 15 | Hello, I'm the owner of 13061 Monroe St #1, Garden Grove, CA, 92844 and am requesting the plans for the property. The property was part of Project 930-15 on Tract No. 11624. This is not a single a single family dwelling and is part of a condominium complex. Thank you. |
Closed | 8159 | November 15 | Hello!
Closed | 8158 | November 15 | We would like any and all available Permits, Inspection Records, Code Enforcement/Violations and Certificates of Occupancy for subject address: 12441 Magnolia St., Garden Grove, CA Please include all ranges of addres... |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due