List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8179 November 28

Please email as PDF (not Excel): New Business License Listings

November 2022 (11/1 - 11/30)

Bus. name, phone number, owner's name, & home based where possible

Closed 8178 November 28

All public record issue related to the below address

Closed 8177 November 23

Request for documents related to Disposition of Willowick Golf Course. Please see attachment.

Closed 8175 November 22

I would like to request final permits for the following items, Re-roofs, electrical service upgrades, building additions, AC & Heating, and any open permits that would prevent the city from issuing a solar permit , Pertaining to the following address.
13711 Yockey St, Garden Grove Ca 92844

Closed 8174 November 22

We would like to request all available records relative to Building Permits, Code Enforcement records and violations, inspection records, and certificates of occupancy for the following property from date of construction to present.

Closed 8173 November 22

I would like to request final permits for the following items, Electrical service upgrades, re roofs, building additions, patio/shade structures and any open permits that would prevent the city from issuing a solar permit, Pertaining to the following address,
13241 Palm St, Garden Grove Ca

Closed 8172 November 22


I am doing research on the history of cities in Orange County, but am having trouble finding the finalized incorporation paperwork for the City of Garden Grove since the GG website only has a preliminary copy of the charter. I tried asking the archivists in Sacramento, but they also wer...

Closed 8171 November 22

I'd like to request any/all historical building permit records and/or records pertaining to underground storage tanks/above ground storage tanks, prior environmental assessments, and hazardous materials for the following address:

- 7465 Lampson Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92841

Closed 8170 November 21

We would like to ask for existing engineering permit of 10921 Chapman Ave. Garden Grove, CA.
Since the project already had 2 driveways which do not sufficient frontage for secondary driveway approach. We will have to look for existing permit for 2nd driveway. otherwise, we will need to...

Closed 8169 November 21

11042 Songish St, Garden Grove, CA 92840


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray