List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8269 January 17

I I am requesting records for my home 12822 Spring St. I need Stamped permits with plans any of the fire damage from 2007.

Closed 8268 January 17

I would like the speed survey for Valley View and traffic signal timing sheet for the intersection of Valley View and Chapman, effective on the date November 30, 2022

Closed 8267 January 17

Copies of PUD 134-99 approval document with conditions

Closed 8263 January 12

Quanta Utility Engineering Services is currently working on a new project for Southern California Edison and at this time would like to request record substructure AS-BUILT maps of your utility for the area(s) highlighted in the attachment(s).
Please include all pages as they pertain to map set...

Closed 8262 January 12

Equipment: Unit Serial Number Channel Partner Family Model Series Cylinders Ship Date
5283703819 WAUKESHA-PEARCE VGF F18G 6 7/1/2014
5283703836 WAUKESHA-PEARCE VGF F18G 6 7/1/2014
5283703837 WAUKESHA-PEARCE VGF F18G 6 7/15/2014
5283703841 VALLEY POWER VGF F18G 6 7/15/2014
C-10709/1 WAUKESHA-...

Closed 8261 January 11

I am conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the following property:

9001 & 9041 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92844
APN: 098-023-67
(Please note the property was historically designated with the APN No. 098-023-59)

I am requesting any available records corresponding to ...

Closed 8260 January 11

January 7th 2023, Saturday around 1pm I was involved in a traffic collision on the intersection of Garden Grove Blvd and Newland. I am sending this request to get a copy of that camera recording of the accident showing the traffic light signal color so I can send that to my insurance company for ...

Closed 8259 January 11

Copies of Business license closure
ABC Driving School
10181 Westminster Ste 219

Closed 8258 January 11

Hi, I fell in the parking lot of Rex Plaza and need to know who owns this business center.

Rex Plaza
10212 Westminster Ave Garden Grove, CA

Closed 8257 January 11

We would like to request all available records relative to Building Permits, Code Enforcement records and violations, inspection records, and certificates of occupancy for the following property from date of construction to present.

all units for 9851 &9861 Central Ave Garden Groce, CA 92844


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray