List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8293 January 25

Please be advised this email contains a Public Records Act Request.

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Govt. Code §§ 6250-6276.48, I (“Requestor”) respectfully requests to inspect all public records in the possession or control of the district, which includes any non-priveleged doc...

Closed 8292 January 25

Good day,

I am with Dodge Construction Network; we would like an update on the current status of this project. At your convenience, please answer the following questions or confirm the following project details or confirm the following project details:

Re: Lampson and Trask Reservoirs Reh...

Closed 8291 January 25

Good day,

I am with Dodge Construction Network; we would like an update on the current status of this project. At your convenience, please answer the following questions or confirm the following project details or confirm the following project details:

Re: Magnolia Reservoirs and Booster ...

Closed 8290 January 25

Good day,

I am with Dodge Construction Network; we would like an update on the current status of this project. At your convenience, please answer the following questions or confirm the following project details:

Re: Orangewood & Yorkshire Ave Water Improvement
Address/Site: Orangewood & ...

Closed 8289 January 24

Records Request: 13200-133220 Harbor Boulevard
Garden Grove, CA 92843

Terracon has been contracted to perform an environmental site assessment of the above-mentioned properties in Orange County. We would like to review environmental information (i.e. hazardous material responses/ inventory,...

Closed 8288 January 23

Requesting a copy of past building permits and public records for 12132 Winton St, Garden Grove, CA 92845 for the purpose of real estate transaction.

Closed 8285 January 19


My name is Rebecca Heilweil, and I’m a reporter at Vox/Recode. I’m reaching out because I’d like to file a public records request related to the Tesla accident in November of last year in Garden Grove. I am referring to this incident:

Closed 8284 January 19

I need to verify actual square footage on record of 12631 Audrey Cir, Garden Grove


Closed 8283 January 19

Hello City of Garden Grove,

May I have a building permit record of property at 8034 Garden Grove Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92844? Thank you.

Closed 8282 January 18

We request the following records related to the City of Garden Grove municipal water supply “Well 30” located at 12081 Haster Street in Garden Grove, California (near the intersection of Otis Avenue and Haster Street):

1. Well Completion Report for Well 30. Please be advised that we have Sta...


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    Not yet received
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    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
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    Past due
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