List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8736 August 10

The City owned parkway tree at 5682 Cerulean Ave. is no longer there. Can this be investigated and replaced? Picture attached. It was a Raywood Ash

Closed 8735 August 10

All records including code enforcement for 13289 Earle Dr. 92841 Garden Grove,

Closed 8734 August 10

We are requesting any current open fire violations for the address 170 Technology

Closed 8732 August 08

New business listing from 2/1/2023-8/8/2023

Closed 8731 August 08

Garden grove fire department record request for any UST installation or removal information for the address 13101 Brookhurst street and 9911 Larson Avenue.

Closed 8730 August 08

We are conducting a Property Condition Assessment on the listed property. Under the Freedom of Information Act, we are requesting documents or records pertaining to the property. Specifically, but not limited to, the following items:
• Are there any building code violations (current/active) ass...

Closed 8729 August 08

To whom it may concern,

We are conducting a Property Condition Assessment on the listed property. Under the Freedom of Information Act, we are requesting document or records pertaining to the property. Specifically, but not limited to, the following items:
- Are there any records of fire c...

Closed 8728 August 07

Any inspections on file
Any other applicable records

12162 Robert Lane,
Garden Grove, CA 92840

Closed 8727 August 07

10871 Forbes Avenue - APN: 099-181-85
-any variances or special/conditional-use permits
-any open zoning or building code violations
-certificates of occupancy
-the final approved site plan

Closed 8726 August 07

Any current open fire violations for the address 7311 Doig


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray