List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8746 August 17

Need records for 13812 Newland St, Garden Grove, CA for construction

Closed 8745 August 17

Need tarffic light camaeras on the intersection of Haster St & Lampson Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92840 Garden Grove, CA 92840 for the date of
DOL: 8/7/2023
Time of Loss: 8:12:00 PM
Location of Loss: Haster St & Lampson Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92840
MY Client was driving on Haster St going NB, as p...

Closed 8744 August 17

Please provide any information that can be shared with regards to code enforcement, and related communications for the property below:

11531 MAC NAB ST

Thank you.

Closed 8743 August 16

Hello there,

I am writing to obtain the building records for the following address 11501 Jerry Ln, Garden Grove, CA 92840, specifically the construction of the garage. We are in the process of applying for an ADU garage conversion building permit, and it is imperative for us to access and revi...

Closed 8742 August 16

Hello, I am looking to get a list of properties that have had their water shut off in the last 3 months. I am conducting a school project to see the number of water shut offs in the near by cities. All I request is a list of property address, I do not need names or phone numbers. Thank you.

Closed 8741 August 15

I would like to request public records for all active businesses for 2023 in Excel format.
Please include Business Name, Address, Unit, Zip, Phone, Owner, and SIC code.

Thank you.

Closed 8740 August 15

Current Annual Salary for each Department Head and member of the City's Executive Team.

Current Car Allowance for each Department Head and member of the City's Executive Team.

This request covers each department head and member of the executive team listed on the organizational chart and an...

Closed 8739 August 14

Can you provide me with all of the different tax tables for the different classifications for a business license renewal?

Closed 8738 August 14

Building Department
regarding 11380 Knott Street, Garden Grove
Request copies of ALL building permits from 1/1/1960 - to present

Closed 8737 August 14

This for the Fire Department
Regarding 11380 Knott Street Garden Grove
See attachment


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray