Request #2246


For the City Clerk:

This is a brand new public records request.

The following records or materials are requested. All pertain to red light camera systems.

A. Signed copies of all post 7-1-16 updates, amendments, extensions, renewals, or revisions to the City's contract with Redflex (I already have a copy of everything prior to then), and copies of all correspondence relating to same regardless of whether the update, etc. was finalized or only proposed, where the date of the correspondence was 7-1-16 or later.

B(1). For each "intersection approach" or "approach" (defined as a red light camera or cameras monitoring any or all lanes of traffic entering an intersection from a single compass direction) within your jurisdiction, the tabulation or tally of violations recorded and discarded, and of citations issued (report title: Customer Management Report), during each of the following calendar months (separately, one month per report) : Jul16, Aug16, Sep16, Oct16, Nov16. (Total 5 separate reports.)

B(2). Please also provide the Redflex Redlight Offender Statistics ("RROS") report (colored bar charts like those provided to me previously), for all approaches, for the calendar month Oct16. The Redflex reporting system generates this report as a color pdf or xls and this request is for the report in one of those digital formats.

This request is for copies of the above records or materials, to be emailed to me. However, if any of these documents are not available in electronic format, please mail them to me.

Your attention is drawn, in particular, to Government Code Sections 6253 and 6253.1. If there are any public records that you seek to withhold, please state the reasons therefor. In addition, you must assist requester in identifying public records and information responsive to this request; and you have an obligation to "[p]rovide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the records and information sought."

Thank you


Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Lissner,

Please click on the link below to access the additional documents response to your request.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove



For Ms. Kehn:

Thank you for the documents you just sent.

I've now gone thru them (I received seven pdfs) and cannot find item
B(2) for most of the cameras. I received that
document only for Valley View/Lampson.

Would you please check?


Jim Lissner


ยก Viva Hermosa !

November 29, 2016
Request has been satisfied.
November 22, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Lissner,

Please click on the link below to access the information requested pertaining to the City's red light camera systems. There have been no updates to the City's contract with Redflex, therefore there are no records responsive to Item A of your request.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

November 22, 2016
Assigned to Rocky F Rubalcaba
November 17, 2016
Request received
November 17, 2016


Closed on Nov 22