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City Clerk's Office

Division Info

Liz Vasquez, City Clerk
(714) 741-5043



Record and preserve the legislative actions of the City; facilitate municipal elections upholding the democratic process; promote transparency through access to public records; and ensure compliance with the Brown Act, the Public Records Act, and the Political Reform Act.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

The City Clerk attends all legislative meetings and prepares and posts the agendas and minutes for the following legislative bodies:

  • Garden Grove City Council
  • The City of Garden Grove as Successor Agency to the Garden Grove Agency for Community Development
  • The Garden Grove Sanitary District Board
  • The Garden Grove Housing Authority
  • The Garden Grove Public Finance Authority Board
  • The Garden Grove Industrial Development Authority Board

Access meeting agendas and minutes.


The City Clerk is the Elections Official responsible for conducting all of the City's elections.
View Election Information

FPPC Form 806 - Public Official Appointments

FPPC Form 806 - Public Official Appointments lists all the paid appointed positions to which an official will vote to appoint themselves.

FPPC Campaign Finance and Conflict of Interest, Form 700 Filing

The City Clerk serves as the Filing Officer for Campaign Finance reports and Statement of Economic Interest for elected and certain appointed officials.

The following officers identified in Government Code Section 87200, file Form 700 online with the Fair Political Practice Commission:

Mayor Stephanie Klopfenstein
District 4: Mayor Pro Tem Joe DoVinh
District 1: Council Member George S. Brietigam III
District 2: Council Member Phillip Nguyen
District 3: Council Member Cindy Ngoc Tran
District 5: Council Member Yesenia Muñeton
District 6: Council Member Ariana Arestegui
City Manager: Lisa L. Kim
City Attorney: Omar Sandoval
City Treasurer: Matt West
Planning Commissioner: Bert Ashland
Planning Commissioner: Kris Beard
Planning Commissioner: Fernando Cueva
Planning Commissioner: Roger Flanders
Planning Commissioner: Joseph Laricchia
Planning Commissioner: Josh Lindsay
Planning Commissioner: John Ramirez

The Form 700 filed by these officers may be viewed at Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) or call 1-866-ASK-FPPC (1-886-275-3772).

Other designated employees file Form 700 with the City Clerk's Office and are available for inspection and reproduction during regular business hours. No appointment is necessary to review these records. You may also obtain copies by submitting an online request or by calling (714) 741-5040.

Public Records

The City Clerk is the City’s Official Custodian of Records with the duty to preserve, maintain, and protect all documents certifying legislative actions. These records go back to the date of the City’s incorporation on June 18, 1956.

The City of Garden Grove encourages public participation in the governing process and provides reasonable access to all public records except those documents that are exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law or considered confidential or privileged under the law. The City, in accordance with Government Code Section 6253, has ten (10) days to respond to most requests for public documents by indicating whether or not the documents exist and will be made available. Actual production of the documents may take somewhat longer depending upon their ease of availability and staff workload. All document duplication fees are due and payable in full and are based on the City’s current fee resolution. You may submit a request and track it online.

Archive Documents Search

You may access the City's Resolutions, Ordinances and Minutes archive using the Archive Documents Search.

Municipal Code

The City Clerk’s Office administers the City's Municipal Code, and is responsible for ensuring that ordinances adopted by the City Council that amend the Code are published. The Municipal Code is available online. For more recent amendments to this code, refer to the online Municipal Code CodeAlert page.

Serving as a Commissioner

The City Clerk’s Office accepts applications on an ongoing basis from Garden Grove residents interested in serving as a volunteer Commissioner. Learn more about Commissions.

Filing a Claim

Claims filed against the City are processed through the City Clerk’s office. All claims must be submitted no later than six months of your incident. To file a claim, download the form, complete all required fields, and personally deliver or mail your original form to the City Clerk’s office. You may also contact the City Clerk’s office and request a form be mailed to you.

  1. Submit your original claim form and any supporting documents to the City Clerk’s office at 11222 Acacia Parkway, P.O. Box 3070, Garden Grove, 92842-3070.
  2. Upon receipt of your original claim form, the City Clerk’s office processes your claim and forwards it to Risk Management in the Finance Department.
  3. The Risk Management Division reviews all claims filed against the city and will contact you within six weeks.

Claim Against the City of Garden Grove (PDF Format)

Fees for all Services
Fees for all services are listed in the User Fees for Various City Services.