Garden Grove Public Records Request


The purpose of this system is to facilitate and expedite the processing of your public records request. Your request must be sufficiently focused and specific to allow City staff to locate the requested record(s).

The City shall determine within 10-days from receipt of a public records request, whether the request, in whole or in part, seeks copies of disclosable public records in possession of the City [GC 6253(c)]. Please note that if you are requesting the opportunity to inspect records, you will be requested to make an appointment to return at a later date/time to view the documents.

For records regarding police records, please contact the Garden Grove Police Department Records Division at 714-741-5719. Do not submit a request through this system.
To obtain a copy of a Fire Incident Report and/or Fire Department records:
  • Prior to August 16, 2019, please request through the City of Garden Grove, proceed to submit request through this system.
  • As of August 16, 2019, please request through the Orange County Fire Authority Clerk at 714-573-6040, do not submit request through this system.
Campaign Finance Statements and Statements of Economic Interests are available for inspection and reproduction during regular business hours, no appointment necessary to review these records.

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Number of requests since April 2015: 8200+
Average number of requests per month: 73
Average turnaround time: 6.8 days