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Community Liaison Division

The mission of the Garden Grove Police Department’s Community Liaison Division is to build a partnership between the police department and our residents to improve the quality and safety of our community.

To achieve this, our division offers different types of crime prevention programs to engage community members in learning strategies - such as:

Upcoming Events

The division consists of Crime Prevention Officers who are liaisons between the police department and the community by providing a personal point of contact. We are available to answer questions, refer the general public to local resources, and educate the public on how to prevent crime in the community. Crime prevention resources are tools to keep you safe.

Together we CAN and DO make a difference!

Contact Information

The Garden Grove Police Department’s Community Liaison Division can be reached at

General Inquiries Reyna Cruz 714-741-5760
West Division Brittanee Brantner 714-741-5764
East Division Kristina Hernandez 714-741-5761
Latino Community Jasmin Baez 714-741-5762
Vietnamese Community Nhu Dao 714-741-5763
Community Connection Newsletter - Winter 2025
Safety Brochures
Garden Grove's National Night Out 2020

Join us as we introduce you to some of our officers and specialized units within the GGPD. We hope you and your families are healthy and safe.