List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 8980 December 13

Notices of violation, hazardous materials business plans/permits, underground storage tank permits, environmental documents for 5802 Santa Catalina Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92845.

Closed 8979 December 13

I am working with the home owner at 11942 Roxbury Road. We would like to request any existing drawings you have on file for this residential property. Please let me know if these can be emailed directly to me or if we will need to come in to view them.
Thank you,
Rich Brunet

Closed 8978 December 13

Uncashed Check Listing

Closed 8977 December 13

Building drawings (architectural, structural, civil, electrical, plumbing, fire) for 7422 Chapman Ave.

Closed 8976 December 12

Subject 15 Properties; 12131-12222 Tamerlane Drive
Requesting email copies of the following:
1. OPEN Building and/or Code Enforcement violaions
2. Original Certificates of Occupancy
3. Planning Department or Zoning concerns or issues

Closed 8975 December 11

I'm requesting copy of the blueprints that shows the plumbing drawings for apartment building located 12131 Chapman Ave, Garden Grove, 92840.
Reason for the request is for repiping underground plumbing.

Closed 8974 December 11

Hi, I am a designer, i need a building record for the property at 12281 Chase Street, garden grove

Closed 8973 December 08

Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan Phase I Sewer Main Lining and Spot Repair Projects 5 & 6

I’m with ConstructConnect. I am writing to ask for the awarded contractor and awarded amount for the above project. I would also like to know the anticipated start dates, if determined.

If you’...

Closed 8972 December 08

I am requesting a copy of Planning Commission Resolution No. 5720 (approving Conditional Use Permit No. CUP-303-10), adopted December 16, 2010, including "Exhibit A" (conditions of approval) to the Resolution.

Closed 8971 December 07


Please provide all documents/correspondences that can be shared, regarding code enforcements for the property below:


Thank you


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray