List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 9001 January 02

We would like copies of any and all building permits, inspection records, code enforcement records/violations, & certificate of occupancy for 12681 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove, California, 92840. Please include all range of addresses. As well as any plans on file for the address listed above.

Closed 9000 January 02

I need to get the square footage of each and all buildings with occupancy certification on the Christ Cathedral campus on 13280 Chapman Ave. Garden Grove, CA 92840. Buildings SF requested:
Main Cathedral, large Gallery, Small Gallery, Hope Tower, Pastoral/Academy Building,
Abortorium, Mausoleum...

Closed 8999 January 02

Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan Phase 1 Sewer Main Replacement Project No. 4 - CP1329000

I’m with ConstructConnect. I am writing to request a copy of the bid tabulation for the above project, and if available, the awarded contractor. I would also like to know the anticipated start dates, if...

Closed 8998 January 02

Please email as PDF: New Business License Listings December 2023

Bus. name, phone number, owner's name, & any home based, where possible

Closed 8997 December 22

Hello, I would like to know/ have the blue prints. Specifically for property line of address of 10272 w. Chapman ave garden grove, CA 92840

Closed 8996 December 22

Please provide all records regarding code violations for the following address.

11421 Woodbury Rd, Garden Grove, CA 92843

Thank you.

Closed 8995 December 21

12422 Valley View St, Garden Grove, CA
EBI project 1123006231
EBI Consulting (EBI) is conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at the above-referenced Subject Property. As part of the ESA process, I would like to request access to records regarding the following, as applicable...

Closed 8994 December 21

Building Permits and Certificate of Occupancy for

12211, 12201, 12181, 12171, 12161, 12141, 12131, 12132, 12142, 12162, 12172, 12182, 12202, 12212, 12222 Tamerlane Drive, Garden Grove, CA

Closed 8993 December 21

Please email us a copy of the bid docs (including bid bond) for Ramona Inc (the apparent low bidder) on Project No. CP 1329000 Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan Phase 1, Sewer Main Replacement Project No. 4 which bid 12/19/23 @ 11: AM. Please email to

Closed 8992 December 21

Plan check no. for farm block plans: 2018-820, 821 need to request paper documents.


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    Not yet received
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    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
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    Past due
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