List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 3090 | September 27 | Copy of all Code Enforcement records pertaining to the property 10682 Paloma Avenue. |
Closed | 3089 | September 27 | Licensed Architects for the City of Garden Grove
Closed | 3088 | September 27 | Executed copy of current contract documentation with Redflex Traffic Systems for the City's red-light camera program, specifically the recent renewal that I believe was approved in July 2017 by the Council. |
Closed | 3087 | September 26 | Permits, reports, and information for:
Closed | 3086 | September 26 | At your earliest convenience, please find a formal records request attached pertaining to the current agreement in place between the transcription service vendor providing transcription services to the City of Garden Grove. |
Closed | 3085 | September 26 | We are doing an environmental site assessment on the property and would like to know if there are any records in regards to underground/aboveground storage tanks, hazardous materials, hazardous waste and/or any clarifiers on the property located at:
Closed | 3084 | September 26 | I would like to have all correspondence to or from the City of Garden Grove and the owners of record of that property situated at 11431 Marin Way, Garden Grove 92840; that pertain to any and all operations of an illegal short-term rental. I would like copies of all letters, notices of violation ... |
Closed | 3083 | September 26 | requesting all medical notes on injured cocker spaniel posted 9-19-17. To include location of medical treatment, any and all X-ray's, blood work, etc. that led to determination to euthanize. To include details of injuries. |
Closed | 3082 | September 26 | requesting all medical notes on injured cocker spaniel posted 9-19-17. To include location of medical treatment, any and all X-ray's, blood work, etc. that led to determination to euthanize. To include details of injuries. |
Closed | 3081 | September 26 | Requesting final outcome and all notes on male tan terrier, GGAC# G-0001006,Posted 9-11-17
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due