List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 6348 | October 26 | Please provide the bid results for the following project:
Closed | 6347 | October 26 | Greetings, I am appraising a property at 13871 West Street (APN 100-591-08). Can you please send me the building permit records for this property? Thank you Matt Sunderland |
Closed | 6346 | October 26 | Good Afternoon,
Closed | 6345 | October 26 | Animal Control Incident Report 20054067. I believe it was created October 11, 2020 |
Closed | 6344 | October 26 | I’d like to request records of 2020 business permits in zip code 92840. |
Closed | 6343 | October 26 | New zip reg tunalisaland miramasa Knott Ave gardengrovejail hospital reg member trust vitmtemase
Closed | 6342 | October 26 | Please see the attached request for information from the Joyful Heart Foundation pursuant to the California Public Records Act, § 6250 et seq. |
Closed | 6341 | October 26 | All finaled permits (building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, etc). Floor plan, site plan and elevations (if available) |
Closed | 6340 | October 26 | Good Afternoon,
Closed | 6339 | October 26 | Requesting all information, including medical, current location or outcome on Garden Grove Animal Control intake G20051705. Photo attached. |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due