List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 6357 November 02

Please help me get the list of new business opened in October for Garden Grove. Thank you.

Closed 6356 November 02

Any all lares also was a last name

Closed 6355 November 02


I am appraising a property at 5352 Vanguard Ave (APN 130-301-02) for the OC Superior Court. Could you please send me the building permit records for this property? I am trying to confirm the square footage.

Thank you!

Closed 6354 October 30

I am requesting all incomes and outcomes of animals from OC Humane Society for the period of 10/1/2020 - 10/31/2020. This would include all October intakes (strays, owner surrenders, returns, transfers in) and all October adoptions, redeemed, transfers out, euthanized regardless of what month the...

Closed 6353 October 30

Hello there. Would like to find out when the trees were planted in front of my house. Thanks!


Closed 6352 October 27

All new businesses filed in September of 2020

Closed 6351 October 27

Record Request: 60207575

12141 Valley View Street, Garden Grove, Orange County, CA 92845
APN: 224-202-17
Terracon has been contracted to perform an environmental site assessment of the above-mentioned properties in Orange County. We would like to review environmental information (i.e. hazar...

Closed 6350 October 27

JIG Consultants would like to submit a records request for traffic signal as-builts. More specifically, here are the street intersections we need them:

- Gilbert St and Garden Grove Blvd
- Galway St and Garden Grove Blvd
- Kerry St and Garden Grove Blvd
- Trask and Newland
- Garden ...

Closed 6349 October 27

We are protesting the apparent low bidder for the Garden Grove Park Improvements (Project # 2163101280 revised) per the attached document.

Closed 6348 October 26

Please provide the bid results for the following project:
Various Residential Streets Rehabilitation
Bid Date: 06/30/2020
Bid Time: 11am
Notice to Contractors attached


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    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
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    Past due
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