List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 6357 | November 02 | Hello,
Closed | 6356 | November 02 | Any all lares also was a last name |
Closed | 6355 | November 02 | Hello, I am appraising a property at 5352 Vanguard Ave (APN 130-301-02) for the OC Superior Court. Could you please send me the building permit records for this property? I am trying to confirm the square footage. Thank you! |
Closed | 6354 | October 30 | I am requesting all incomes and outcomes of animals from OC Humane Society for the period of 10/1/2020 - 10/31/2020. This would include all October intakes (strays, owner surrenders, returns, transfers in) and all October adoptions, redeemed, transfers out, euthanized regardless of what month the... |
Closed | 6353 | October 30 | Hello there. Would like to find out when the trees were planted in front of my house. Thanks! 6373 VANGUARD AVE
Closed | 6352 | October 27 | All new businesses filed in September of 2020 |
Closed | 6351 | October 27 | Record Request: 60207575 12141 Valley View Street, Garden Grove, Orange County, CA 92845
Closed | 6350 | October 27 | JIG Consultants would like to submit a records request for traffic signal as-builts. More specifically, here are the street intersections we need them:
Closed | 6349 | October 27 | We are protesting the apparent low bidder for the Garden Grove Park Improvements (Project # 2163101280 revised) per the attached document. |
Closed | 6348 | October 26 | Please provide the bid results for the following project:
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due