List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 6655 February 23

Can I get the new business listing for the month of January please, thanks.

Closed 6654 February 23

Dear City of Garden Grove
Record 1: most recent INVOICE including cost between your Information Technology Dept. and service for tape vaulting and storing of LTO Tapes and cost from IRON MOUNTAIN) made in the last three years. Depending on city regulations, this may also be a purchase order or ...

Closed 6653 February 23

I am requesting to review any current and/or archived records on file including; building permits, building inspection records, certificates of occupancy, fire inspection records, planning restrictions/activity use limitations, and hazardous material records for the following addresses.

11801 ...

Closed 6652 February 22

Existing residential building records and any permits on file

Closed 6651 February 22

RE parcel 098-371-42
We need a copy of the "placement of house" documents in relation to the property lines,
This is for a probable ADU placement.

Closed 6650 February 22

11202 Wakefield
Garden Grove 92840
Can you please provide permit records and a plat map for this address.
Thank you

Closed 6648 February 22

Can u please provide me a list of all vaccant properties in the city thNk you

Closed 6647 February 19

Hello, I would like to request a list of all residential properties with an active/unresolved nuisance abatement or administrative citation code enforcement case. Thank you for your assistance in the matter.

Closed 6645 February 19

H Mart Plaza (APN 133-443-05)
8871 Garden Grove Boulevard / 12991 Magnolia Street
Garden Grove, CA 92844

Information requested from Planning, Building & Safety and Fire related to the property located at the address above.

Closed 6644 February 18

Regarding about building permit/citation on this property: 12101 Nutwood St Garden Grove, CA 92840

To Whom May I Concern,

My name is Johnathan Huynh from Garden Grove. Would you please help me with your expert to find out any building permit and citation that you got in the city of Garden ...


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    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
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    Past due
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