List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 6691 March 05

How can we improve during a time of crisis, such as the COVID pandemic?
Will the City Manager and senior administrative staff take any action?
Simple questions, services, permits which should takes hours and days are now weeks and months!
The reality is many City, State and Local government, a...

Closed 6690 March 04

Please send copies of all code violations for past five years for property at 9902 and 9912 Larson Ave.
Also for 13121-13161 Brookhurst Street

Closed 6689 March 03

I would like to request building permits issued between February 1st 2021 and February 28th 2021.

Closed 6688 March 03

If there is a contact email that you could send me I can send out one of our request emails with exact project location and attachments.

Please include: ALL Water plans, Sewer, Storm Drain, Street Improvement, Street Light, and Traffic Signal Plans

Quanta Utility Engineering Services is...

Closed 6687 March 03


Closed 6686 March 02

Pursuant to our rights under the California Public Records Act, California Government Code Section 6250 et seq., we request all records pertaining to the following address: 7311-7341 Anaconda Ave., Garden Grove, CA (the “Property”). Those records should include, but are not limited to, business o...

Closed 6685 March 02

Pursuant to our rights under the California Public Records Act, California Government Code Section 6250 et seq., we request all records pertaining to the following address: 7311-7341 Anaconda Ave., Garden Grove, CA (the “Property”). Those records should include, but are not limited to, business o...

Closed 6684 March 02

Permits and inspection reports pertaining to fuel tanks and hazardous materials and wastes related to 11711 Monarch Street, Garden Grove

Closed 6683 March 02

Any geologic and soil engineering reports, grading plans, compaction reports, any soil reports, and/or other plans for 8642-8650 Stanford Avenue, Garden Grove, California and 12772-12778 Adelle Street, Garden Grove, California.

Closed 6682 March 02

I am requesting all the building permits for the address located at 11581 Kathy Lane, Garden Grove, CA 92840


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray