List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 7232 | September 27 | This is a follow up to request #7052. Can the provided documents from that request be provided in another format other than a ".pst" file? I am unable to access this sort of file. Can they be provided in pdf or Word document format? |
Closed | 7231 | September 23 | I would like to request a copy (list) or report of all issued building permits for residential projects from 1/1/2021 thru 9/20/2021. Report to include: Permit number, site address, issue date, description of project, contractor information. |
Closed | 7228 | September 23 | I am appraising a 21,000 square foot mixed-use (office/retail) property located at 9252 Garden Grove Boulevard, in the city of Garden Grove. The parcel number is 098-571-05. I would like to obtain a permit record history that I can include in my appraisal report (building/improvement permits, c... |
Closed | 7227 | September 22 | Please see the attached Municipal Department of Transportation Request for Information Letter describing records being requested for 12400 Industry Street. |
Closed | 7226 | September 22 | Please see the attached Backflow Request for Information Letter describing the records being requested for 12400 Industry Street. |
Closed | 7225 | September 22 | Please see the attached Building Department Request for Information Letter describing records being request for 12400 Industry Street. |
Closed | 7224 | September 22 | We're requesting a copy of the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the property located at: 11162 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove, CA 92843 |
Closed | 7223 | September 22 | I would like to request the following information regarding the subject property; 12400 Industry St., Garden Grove, CA (APN: 131-343-10) -Certificate of Occupancy
Closed | 7222 | September 22 | Please note whether or not there are any Open Zoning or Building Code Violations that apply to the subject property; 12400 Industry St., Garden Grove, CA (APN: 131-343-10) |
Closed | 7221 | September 21 | Please provide records of all plans and permits for properties addressed as 12130, 12132 and 12136 Brookhurst, GG, CA (same property owner Nghiem) thank you. Joe DoVinh, JD, GC cell (714) 548-8289 |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due