List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 9719 December 04

I would like to know if there are any cameras at the intersection of Beach Blvd and Chapman. If so can you provide copy of the video footage?

My insured was involved in an auto accident on 11/29/2024 at approximately 9pm. He was traveling s/b on Beach Blvd on his motorcycle and was struck by a...

Closed 9718 December 04

I would like to request the records of this property. Owners and business that has been there. We are trying to open a coffee shop there and we are searching if there is any issue that would limit us from doing so
9706 Chapman Ave Garden Grove, CA 92841

Closed 9717 December 02

Hello! My name is Thea Mai, real estate broker. My client would like to obtain a plan/map of his property located at 12782 Lorna St Unit C. Please help advise if we can request a mail or pick up. My email is My phone number is 657-227-6067. Thank you very much!

Closed 9715 December 02

To Whom It May Concern

Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code sections 6250 et seq.), we request that the your jurisdiction provide, or allow us to inspect and copy, all Public Records, as defined by California Government Code sections 6252(e) that are described below. ...

Closed 9714 December 02

can I get the listing for new businesses for the previous month of November in excel

Closed 9713 December 02

Request Code: 13819784
Date: 11/28/24

On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bid...

Closed 9712 December 02

I would like to request a floor plan for 13902 Harper st Santa Anna CA 92703. Thank you.
Tuyen Nguyen.

Closed 9711 December 02

Please email as PDF: New Business License Listings November 2024
(Bus. name, phone number, owner's name, & any home based, where possible)

Closed 9710 December 02

I am requesting all code enforcement records and files for the following address:
11741 West St

Closed 9709 November 26


My name is Kim Vo the owner of property at 12452 Serene Ct. Garden Grove, CA 92841. We are working on the house remodel and adding utilities works. I would like to request a PDF copy of the original (existing) plans/blueprint of the house. It will help us a lots to expedite the proc...


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