List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 9740 | December 16 | To Whom It May Concern Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code sections 6250 et seq.), we request that the your jurisdiction provide, or allow us to inspect and copy, all Public Records, as defined by California Government Code sections 6252(e) that are described below. ... |
Closed | 9739 | December 16 | Request public records for the city council policy for the medal of honor trail from Nelson to Brookhurst about three department will oversee the responsibility recreation, economic development, public works and once a mouth tree arborist inspection. Request memos from city manager, each manager,... |
Closed | 9738 | December 16 | Property: 13190-13220 Harbor Boulevard, Garden Grove, CA 92843 (commercial shopping center) Partner Engineering and Science, a national Real Estate Due Diligence Firm, is preparing a Property Condition Report on the above-named properties for a financial services client. In accordance with rul... |
Closed | 9737 | December 16 | I would like to request a copy of each current Joint Powers Agreement between the City and any other agency. I am also requesting the City's FPPC Form 806. |
Closed | 9736 | December 16 | Please provide a copy of Certificate(s) of Occupancy for:
Closed | 9735 | December 12 | We are looking to obtain a list of all restaurants located in the City of Garden Grove along with addresses and phone numbers. |
Closed | 9734 | December 12 | Addition permits for 9601 Stanford Ave, Garden Grove |
Closed | 9733 | December 11 | I would like the public records of the Tiffany Building at 12777 Valley View St Garden Grove. Specifically the plumbing documentation. We are leasing a space and the plumbing keeps getting backed up despite plumbers snaking the lines multiple times. We would like to identify if the sewer lines co... |
Closed | 9732 | December 11 | We have questions about installing the new park equipment at the Jardin de los Ninos Park and Haster Basin Park. We understand that the staff is requesting that the City Council approve the purchase of the new equipment for $262,307.72. The memorandum did not provide details about the installatio... |
Closed | 9731 | December 10 | Personnel records for teacher Chelsea Erin (Smart) Fletcher with GGUSD |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due