Re:Imagine Timeline
Art in the Park
Saturday’s inaugural Re:Imagine Garden Grove – Art in the Park event, hosted by the City of Garden Grove and the Garden Grove Unified School District (GGUSD), brought crowds out to enjoy art-themed activities, and visit the GGUSD’s 41st annual First Impressions Student Art Gallery.
SB2 Planning Grant
The City is preparing to apply for the State grant through HCD funding purpose for technical assistance to help cities prepare, adopt, and implement plans/process that streamline housing approvals and acelerate affordable housing production. Staff is developing a "preliminary project list" of code amendments to be funded through the first round, 50% can go towards Planning Grants, and 50% can go towards homelessness programs. In Year 2, 70% can go toward affordable housing.
Economic Development Administration Grant (EDA)
Focuses on enhancing public infrastructure, including roads, traffic signals, median improvements, and lighting, along city boundaries from north to south Harbor Boulevard
Cal FIRE Urban & Community Forestry Program (Urban Forestry Management Planning Grant)
The City applied for a Statewide grant under Cal FIRE Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to propose a community-wide tree-planting project and reduce GHG emissions. This includes developing a Urban Forest Management Plan, create a GIS Canopy assessment, gather a tree inventory update, Irrigation design and installation, Plant 363 trees along the PE ROW Trail.
Department of Justice: Proposition 56 funding (Tobacco Law Enforcement Grant)
The City applied for a State grant under DOJ with funds authorized under California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tax Act of 2016. The program enforces state and local laws related to the illegal sales of tobacco products to minors. The program is admin. by the Code Enforcement Unit to fund a full time Tobacco Code Officer assigned to the commercial areas only.
2017 - Movie on Main
The free Outdoor Movie Series is a fun family event held every summer in various locations in Garden Grove, featuring popular movies.
Garden AMP
Garden Amp is an all-ages, open-air venue located next to Village Green Park on Main Street, Garden Grove, CA.
2017 Open Streets 3
A 2.5-mile route was closed to cars and open to all forms of non-motorized transportation. The Open Streets route spanned from Garden Grove Boulevard at West Street, to Acacia Parkway and Historic Main Street.
Event pop-ups projects, sponsored by “Go Human”, provided a sneak peek into long-term active transportation improvements, such as new bike lanes and roundabouts highlighting concepts from the City’s Active Streets Plan.
2017 - Parking Management Plan
Caltrans: Sustainable Communities Planning Grant (Garden Grove Active Downtown Plan)
The City applied for a federal grant under Caltrans ATP regional grant to develop a Plan for mobility strategies that will make a walkable downtown safer for pedestrians and promote new modes of active trans.
2017 - Music Producer LFA Takes Over Amphiteater
In August 2017, KLOS, in collaboration with LFA, presented the first annual two-day High and Mighty Festival at Village Green Park. Part of the programming included performances from Sublime with Rome and The Dirty Heads.
2016 - Movie in the Park
2016 - 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee
The City will be promoting the diamond anniversary, with 60th anniversary street banners highlighting the City’s 60th anniversary logo. During the months leading up to the event in June, the City’s Facebook and Twitter will feature themed photos and videos, highlighting different aspects of the Garden Grove community.
2016 - Adirondacks in the Park
SCAG: Sustainability Planning Grant #1 (Safe Routes to School: Phase 1 Plan)
The City applied for a Statewide grant under SCAG planning grant and negotiated a coordinated effort with GGUSD to cover half the grant application costs. The plan targeted 6 schools with high risk ped collisions, students eligible for free meals, and school readiness.
2015 Open Streets: "By Day & By Night"
Programming for the 2015 event was influenced by the Goals and Policies in the General Plan to support bike safety and bike education, and ideas from the Re:Imagine community forum to explore new ways to enjoy biking and walking in the civic center while combining it with a street fair, food, music, art, and a night time component.
2015 - Black Umbrella Art Studio & Tattoos
2015 - Earth Day Installation
Caltrans: ATP Cycle 2 Grant (Infrastructure Project)
The City received a federal grant under ATP Cycle 2 for the Environmental, Design and Construction called the "First Mile" to extend the pilot segment of the Bike/Ped trail on the PE ROW, from Standford to Brookhurst Street. OCTA is funding a portion of the project under their ATP funds. 12 projects were funded in our region, Garden Grove project is #4.
Caltrans: ATP Cycle 2 Grant (Non-Infrasturture Program)
The completion of the Environmental Phase of the "First Mile" project permitted the commencement of the Educational Activities/Outreach programming of the ATP Cycle 2 grant. This was named "BikeSafe Garden Grove" and includes the development of bike events,bike rodeos, ride-alongs, bike-to-school events, bike repair workshops/ training through a Police facilitated bike repair Trailer.
SCAG: Tactical Urbanism Pop-up Grant ("Go Human")
The City received a statewide grant under SCAG Regional ATP program to fund temporary "pop-up" installations for activating bike lanes and traffic calming measure, like new crosswalks and round abouts to encourage more non-vehicle active transportation. Later SCAG changed the name to "Go Human" and they funded pop ups at Open Streets 3 2017
Caltrans: OCTA selected/ CMAQ funded Bike Corridor Improvement Program (BCIP)
The City received a federal grant under OCTA Orange County selection, and CMAQ funding for bike and pedestrian projects that reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. 13 projects approved and Garden Grove was #5, for Design Engineering and Construction of 14.76 miles of new bike infrustructure improvements along Gilbert and West from Westminster to Katella and Orangewood.
2015 - Cottage Industry CC-1 Zone Amendment
2014 "A Downtown Open Streets Event"
An “Open Streets” event that invites you to explore Downtown Garden Grove in a new way!
The car-free route of Re:Imagine Garden Grove will traverse sections of Nutwood St., Stanford Ave., Acacia Pkwy, Main St., Euclid St., 8th St., and Garden Grove Blvd. The route will create a temporary public open space for pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders, joggers and all other forms of non-motorized transportation to utilize.
2014 - Pilot Section Bike Trail Constructed
2014 Yarnbombing Trees in Civic Center Park
2014 - 606 Studio Mobility Study Commences
2014 - Girl Scouts Paint First Utility Box
2014 - Main Street Logo Design Contest
2013 - Re:Imagine Mindmixer Forum
SCAG : Sustainabilty Program Active Transportation Grant
The City received a statewide grant under SCAG Statewide ATP, to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, biking and walking. This grant funded the City's consultants implementing the Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan and Open Streets 2
GEM Theater One More Productions
The Historic GEM Theater is true treasure. Located at the end of Historic Main Street, The GEM is surrounded by quaint restaurants and shops. A vaudeville house in the 1920s, The GEM became a single-screen neighborhood movie theater in the 1930s. The City of Garden Grove remodeled The GEM and reintroduced it as a live theatrical performance venue in 1979.