West Nile Virus

Did you know? Mosquitoes are responsible for more human deaths than any other animal in the world.
The City of Garden Grove and the Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District (OCMVCD) are working together to help prevent the spread of the West Nile Virus (WNV) infection.
More often, WNV is spread to humans and animals by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Eliminating mosquito breeding sites, such as standing water, and taking personal safeguards can help prevent being bitten by mosquitoes.
You can reduce the risk of WNV infection by:
- Staying indoors at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
- Wearing loose-fitting and light-colored clothes to protect yourself from mosquito bites.
- Repairing broken or torn screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes from entering your home.
- Using a repellent containing the active ingredients DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535 before going outdoors.
- Dumping or draining water that has been standing for more than three days, including neglected swimming pools, birdbaths, pet dishes, tire swings, and flower planters.
- Report any large breeding sites in your neighborhood to the District, including abandoned swimming pools and accumulations of trash and containers capable of retaining water.
Residents are also encouraged to sign-up for OCMVCD email notifications, follow OCMVCD on Facebook and Twitter, and visit their website for the most current West Nile Virus information: www.ocvector.org
Call the OCMVCD at: (714) 971-2421 or (949) 654-2421

The Aedes Mosquito FAQ
- What is an Aedes mosquito?
- Where do Aedes mosquito lay eggs?
- Why do I see these mosquitoes inside my home?
- Why do I see Aedes mosquitoes in my backyard?
- Why I am experiencing a larger presence of the Aedes mosquito this year than last year?
- Can Aedes mosquitoes spread diseases in Orange County?
- What can I do to protect myself from getting bit?
- Why are my bites so large and itchy?
- What else can I do to combat the invasive Aedes mosquito?
- What is Vector Control doing to address the Aedes issue?
- Have other questions?
The Aedes mosquito is a small, black and white striped, day time biting nuisance. Although we do not necessarily have these types of diseases here yet, the Aedes female mosquito can spread Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and other viruses. Because Aedes mosquitoes live near and prefer to feed on people, they are more likely to spread these viruses than other types of mosquitoes.
es mosquitoes favor man-made containers and other small sources. The invasive, black-and-white mosquitoes can lay their eggs individually along the waterline of any container. The eggs can withstand very dry conditions and remain viable for many months in the absence of water. These mosquitoes can live and complete their life cycle either indoors or outdoors.
The Aedes mosquito has adapted to rural, suburban and urban human environments. Aedes mosquitoes can thrive indoors and breed in tiny areas around your house, such as:
- Coffee maker trays
- Refrigerator water dispenser
- Vases with water
- Plant cuttings in water
- Pet water dishes
- Drains
- Tropical indoor plants that hold water in the top stem
- Saucers from potted plants
Eggs can remain alive for years, and hatch into larvae when conditions are right.
The Aedes mosquito has adapted to rural, suburban and urban human environments. Aedes mosquitoes can thrive in areas around your property. Eggs are laid along the waterline of any water-holding container such as:
- Flower vases
- Plant saucers
- Buckets
- Used tires
- Plants that hold water like bamboo or bromeliads
Eggs can remain alive for years, and hatch into larvae when conditions are right.
Unfortunately, the Aedes or ankle-biters are invading communities all over Orange County as they continue to expand residents are being faced with a new normal in which they need to:
- Be proactive in mosquito control
- Protect themselves from bites
- Adapt to a new way of enjoying the outdoors
Aedes mosquitoes currently do not transmit disease in Orange County, although they are capable of transmitting certain diseases such as Dengue, Zika, and Yellow fever. That could change if a local mosquito were to bite a person who had recently become infected with the Zika virus while in an area where Zika was being transmitted. If you are planning to travel to a place where Zika or other mosquito-borne diseases are being actively transmitted, please take extra precautions to prevent mosquito bites. Use mosquito repellent while traveling and continue to use it for at least two weeks after you return to avoid infecting our local mosquitoes.
The best ways to avoid bites from the ankle-biting Aedes mosquito:
- Make sure you have checked your yard for any water sources to prevent breeding
- Wear an EPA registered repellent
- Wear loose, long-sleeved clothing (Aedes can bite through leggings)
- Connect with your neighbors to make sure they are aware of the issues
- If you have pot saucers add small gravel or sand to them to prevent water collecting
Since the Aedes mosquito is an invasive species, some people are not used to their saliva and might have a higher allergic reaction to the bites. They are aggressive biters that prod multiple times as well, so the large bite could be from multiple bites around a common area.
Mosquitoes prefer to rest during the day in shaded cool areas (especially on hot days), while they wait for a blood meal. You will typically find them resting in a shrubbery, under eaves, gazebos, pergolas, and other coverings. If it is a fixed shaded area, installing an overhead fan and placing it on high will help to create wind resistance and make the area less attractive to mosquitoes (also if mosquitoes cannot land on a person due to wind they will not be able to bite). Another option is to place a rotating fan or ground fan in the patio area where individuals are sitting to deter mosquitoes from landing.
It is important to note that currently the District’s adult mosquito control is targeting disease carrying mosquitoes, the Aedes mosquito although an aggressive biter and affecting the quality of life in southern California, is not currently transmitting disease in Orange County. Therefore, source reduction and active community engagement, having neighbors keep properties clear and free of water sources will help in reducing the mosquito population.
Contact us: (714) 971-2421
News and Press Releases 2023
First West Nile Virus Positive Mosquitoes Confirmed in Orange County
Mosquitoes: The Pests That Plague Our Summer Days and Nights
California Mosquito Awareness Week: More Rain, More Mosquitoes
Other Resources
Mosquito Life Cycle
CULEX Mosquito and AEDES Mosquito
The Invasive "Aedes" Mosquitoes
Are You Raising Mosquitoes in Your Backyard?
West Nile Virus Information
Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes
Centers for Disease Control
Tip, Toss, Take Action
Oriental Fruit Flies (OFF)
Oriental Fruit Fly Pest Portfolio
Exotic Fruit Fly Treatment
Garden Grove's Emergency Proclamation and Eradication Map