Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone. It’s a pleasure to be here, with so many outstanding city partners, supporters, colleagues, and friends. It’s always a privilege for me to share some of the wonderful things that have been happening in our city and give you a preview of what’s yet to come.

As usual, my sincerest thanks to the Garden Grove Chamber of Commerce for their tireless work in coordinating this annual event, and a special welcome to the new Chamber President and CEO Claudette Baldemor!

As you can tell, today is all about magic - the Garden Grove magic! It’s what we see every day in our City organization and in our Garden Grove community. And it comes from the hearts and minds of many creative, dedicated, and spirited people who have a super natural passion for this city.

And it starts with your Garden Grove City Council.…

Garden Grove State of the City Video Introduces Mayor and Council

I’m excited to work with my returning city council colleagues as well as our new city council members who bring their valuable insights and endless energy and enthusiasm for serving our community.

In addition to the Garden Grove City Council, our Garden Grove management team works together to create some very special Garden Grove mojo!

Starting with:

  • City Manager Lisa Kim
  • Assistant City Manager Maria Stipe
  • Police Chief Amir El-Farra
  • Orange County Fire Authority Division Chief Craig Covey
  • Community and Economic Development Interim Director Craig Beck
  • Community Services Director John Montanchez
  • Finance Director Patricia Song
  • Human Resources Director Laura Stover
  • Information Technology Director Anand Rao
  • Public Works Director Bill Murray.

I’d also like to take a moment to introduce some very extraordinary people in the audience, starting with my enchanting wife Manivone, and our unbelievably talented sons, Jaden and Ashton.

Special shout-outs go to:

  • DJ Symphony, official DJ for Wu-Tang Clan.
  • Arabian Prince, song writer and producer for NWA and JJ Fad.

And last but not least, a recognized world champion magician who has received numerous awards and accolades from the world of magic and has dazzled audiences around the globe. He’s been featured on the Late Show with David Letterman, as well as the television show Masters of Illusion, and has worked for a number of high-profile clients, including Disney, Mattel, and Merrill Lynch. Please help me welcome the one and only, Johnny Ace Palmer!

Thank you, Johnny. We look forward to seeing you materialize again throughout the program!

And now, with a wave of my hands and the words Abra-Cadabra, let’s take a look at how Garden Grove has become a wizardly world of success!

2023 State of the City Video 2

Now, let’s welcome back our magician Johnny Ace Palmer for another spellbinding performance!

Johnny, I understand you have two daughters, which is interesting because I have two sons! Your daughters must think it’s amazing to have a dad who is a world class magician!

Thank you, Johnny!

One of the areas of the City that is well-known for its magical force is our Grove District Resort Area. As you’ll see and hear in the next video, tourism is definitely back, and our TOT, or hotel tax revenues, are once again, center stage in Garden Grove’s financial recovery.

It’s my pleasure to announce that the City is expecting to receive a record-breaking TOT of $27 million by the end of June 2023!

This is due in large part to the resiliency and hard work of our valued hotel partners, and all those involved in promoting our city and its attractions. My deepest thanks to all of our Grove District hotels and businesses who have worked tirelessly to bring the tourism magic back to Garden Grove!

As you know, Garden Grove is all about saving for a rainy day, and with concerns for our nation’s economy still looming, it’s good to know that Garden Grove is in a charmed financial state.

When we talk about creating magic at City Hall, streamlining our building permit operations with a modern, online software system, accessible from our website or mobile app is one of our greatest tadah moments!

Called, GG Ready, this new online technology reduces the time it takes to complete commercial, residential, and engineering permit applications. The result is a more convenient, transparent operation that allows projects to move quicker through the development process.

With this new system, the need to come into City Hall vanishes into mid-air!

Check it out from our City’s website at or on the Garden Grove mobile app.

And now, it’s time to look into our crystal ball for more Garden Grove magic to come…

2023 State of the City Video 3

As we come to the end of our program, we’d like to welcome our world champion magician, Johnny Ace Palmer, back to the stage for one more magical moment! Let’s hear it for Johnny!

That was amazing! My deepest thanks to Johnny Ace Palmer for wowing us with his many wonderful feats of magic.

Remember that the Garden Grove magic is all around us and within us. If we believe in it, we can achieve anything, together.

Thank you, everyone, and enjoy the rest of your day!