List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 1729 | April 11 | Good afternoon, I just left Denise Kean a message as well: I am writing to see if I could be sent a copy of the current draft of the medical marijuana cultivation ordinance currently being considered. Thank you! |
Closed | 1728 | April 11 | I am looking for the following information on the apartment building complex at 14152 Flower St, Garden Grove, 92843: 1. Listing of any open Code Enforcement Issues
Closed | 1727 | April 11 | ERM respectfully requests records pertaining to the following address: 10212 Westminster Avenue
Closed | 1726 | April 11 | steve s. perkins |
Closed | 1725 | April 08 | Copy of the Fire Department's Incident Report for a response to a water valve shut off on March 5, 2016, at the property located at 12600 Westminster Avenue, #A, Garden Grove 92843. |
Closed | 1723 | April 08 | I am currently looking for a list of code violations that spans throughout all of the city of Garden Grove. I know that all cities make this list and have access to it, I was also told that the fire marshall might have such a list. I am looking for Single Family Residences (SFR) that have AN... |
Closed | 1722 | April 08 | Hi My name is Johnny and I work for ADT security. I was wondering if you can email me a list of all the new businesses openings in the past few months in the city of Garden Grove. Thank you |
Closed | 1721 | April 08 | Form 700 for 2015 for Phat Bui. |
Closed | 1720 | April 08 | To: Community Development
Closed | 1719 | April 08 | To: Garden Grove Fire Department
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due