List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 1729 April 11

Good afternoon,

I just left Denise Kean a message as well: I am writing to see if I could be sent a copy of the current draft of the medical marijuana cultivation ordinance currently being considered. Thank you!

Closed 1728 April 11

I am looking for the following information on the apartment building complex at 14152 Flower St, Garden Grove, 92843:

1. Listing of any open Code Enforcement Issues
2. History of any Code Enforcement Issues and compliance therewith for past 10 years
3. Any environmental/asbestos/lead-based p...

Closed 1727 April 11

ERM respectfully requests records pertaining to the following address:

10212 Westminster Avenue
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Records of particular interest include: hazardous waste generation, transportation, disposal, UST/AST records, records of spills, hazardous business plans, and any other r...

Closed 1726 April 11

steve s. perkins

Closed 1725 April 08

Copy of the Fire Department's Incident Report for a response to a water valve shut off on March 5, 2016, at the property located at 12600 Westminster Avenue, #A, Garden Grove 92843.

Closed 1723 April 08

I am currently looking for a list of code violations that spans throughout all of the city of Garden Grove. I know that all cities make this list and have access to it, I was also told that the fire marshall might have such a list.

I am looking for Single Family Residences (SFR) that have AN...

Closed 1722 April 08

Hi My name is Johnny and I work for ADT security. I was wondering if you can email me a list of all the new businesses openings in the past few months in the city of Garden Grove.

Thank you

Closed 1721 April 08

Form 700 for 2015 for Phat Bui.

Closed 1720 April 08

To: Community Development
Requesting Historical Building Permits for the property located at 7012 Belgrave Avenue, Garden Grove. Plans not needed.

Closed 1719 April 08

To: Garden Grove Fire Department
Please search your files for records related to Hazardous Chemical Inventory, Hazardous Materials, Industrial Waste, and Underground Storage Tanks for the property located at 7012 Belgrave Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92841


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