Request #1728


I am looking for the following information on the apartment building complex at 14152 Flower St, Garden Grove, 92843:

1. Listing of any open Code Enforcement Issues
2. History of any Code Enforcement Issues and compliance therewith for past 10 years
3. Any environmental/asbestos/lead-based paint reports or memos
4. History of the site -- current apartment buildings were constructed in 1964, how was the property used before that?
5. Crime history at the property over last 5 years


Request has been satisfied.
April 20, 2016
Message from Denise Kehn

Dear Mr. Kalinsky,

Attached are records responsive to your request for information on the apartment building complex located at 14152 Flower Street, Garden Grove, 92843. There are no open building violations for this property, therefore there are no records for this request. Historical information may also be obtained by contacting the County.

Denise Kehn
Records Specialist
City of Garden Grove

April 20, 2016
Assigned to Allison Mills, Michael G Austin, Jerrold R Holstein, Jerrold R Holstein, Karl J Hill, Victoria L Lawton
April 11, 2016
Request received
April 11, 2016


Closed on Apr 20