List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 1960 | July 01 | Auto Accident Report
Closed | 1959 | July 01 | Auto Accident Report
Closed | 1958 | June 30 | Pursuant to the California Public Records Act, please provide me with copies of the following (electronic format preferred: CD, flash drive, email, etc) records: 1. All reimbursements paid to or on behalf of Mayor Bao Nguyen by the City of Garden Grove or affiliated entities from Nov 2014 to J... |
Closed | 1957 | June 30 | I would like to obtain public records for all licensed City businesses on file for the last 2 (2015 and 2016) years including the business name, address, category, contact name, and telephone number. Digital MS excel format is best.
Closed | 1956 | June 30 | Property located at: 11101 Dallas Drive Garden Grove CA 92804
Closed | 1955 | June 30 | Good Evening, I'd like to request the following for Project Nos. 7405, 7834, and7837 - East Garden Grove Storm Drain and Sewer Improvements Project. List of sub contractors for all bidders on the project along with the description/line items of work they will be performing. I'd also lik... |
Closed | 1954 | June 29 | Regarding: RFP No. S-1188 Background: On March 4, 2016 the City issued an RFP for Tree Maintenance Services and on April 11th the City received proposals from vendors. I would like to make a Public Records Request for the following documents. 1. A copy of the full proposal submitted ... |
Closed | 1953 | June 29 | Hello, I would like to request the June 2016 issued permit report. Thank you! |
Closed | 1952 | June 29 | Auto Accident Report
Closed | 1951 | June 29 | Auto Accident Report
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due