List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 2001 | July 19 | 7-18-16 For the City Clerk: This is a brand new public records request. The following records or materials are requested. All pertain to red light camera systems. A. Signed copies of all post 8-1-15 updates, amendments, extensions, renewals, or revisions to the City's contract with Re... |
Closed | 2000 | July 18 | We would like to know how man times the Fire Department responded to 9841 Oma Place, Garden Grove, CA 92841 for the period of 01/01/2011 through 07/31/2014. We would like to know the date/time of the incident, nature of the call, incident number, and any other descriptive information of the inci... |
Closed | 1999 | July 18 | We would like to know how man times the Fire Department responded to 9841 Oma Place, Garden Grove, CA 92841 for the period of 01/01/2011 through 07/31/2014. We would like to know the date/time of the incident, nature of the call, incident number, and any other descriptive information of the inci... |
Closed | 1998 | July 18 | We would like to know how man times the Fire Department responded to 9841 Oma Place, Garden Grove, CA 92841 for the period of 01/01/2011 through 07/31/2014. We would like to know the date/time of the incident, nature of the call, incident number, and any other descriptive information of incident. |
Closed | 1997 | July 18 | A copy of the new business listing for April, May, and June 2016. |
Closed | 1996 | July 18 | file #20150314 13102 nelson st 92843 washer, dryer and plumbing installed within required rear yd setback, has been re-opened aprox. date 07/02/20116 (re-installation ) request information regarding new notifications to owner and rental tenants and all information pertaining to correct the vio... |
Closed | 1995 | July 15 | I see new construction at 12282 Jerome St., Garden Grove 1. What type of construction is being built at this residence and is it all permitted?
Closed | 1994 | July 15 | A copy of fire code violation history, hazardous materials disclosure, permits, and environmental records for the property located at 10781 Forbes Avenue, Garden Grove 92843. |
Closed | 1993 | July 15 | A copy of the new business lists for May and June 2016. |
Closed | 1992 | July 15 | Hello,
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due