List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 2181 | October 18 | Copy of the Fire Department Incident Report for the fire that occurred on October 11, 2016, at the Malabar Apartments located at 9777 Bixby Avenue in Garden Grove, 92841. |
Closed | 2180 | October 18 | Copy of the Fire Department Incident Report for a fire that occurred on October 11, 2016, at the Malabar Apartments located at 9741 Bixby Avenue, Garden Grove, 92841. |
Closed | 2179 | October 18 | Copy of the Public Works Report for an incident that occurred on October 6, 2016, at the property located at 13096 Blackbird Street Space 19, Garden Grove, CA 92843. |
Closed | 2178 | October 18 | Hi I need to get a copy of the Plan Unit Development (I think that is what it is called) for the building on 10195 Westminster, Garden Grove . It would be the for the shared parking permit/agreement or maybe the city reciprocal agreement. |
Closed | 2177 | October 18 | Fire Incident Report and Investigation Report
Closed | 2176 | October 18 | I would like a complete Permit History of the property located at 9750 Crosby Ave. Garden Grove, CA 92844. |
Closed | 2175 | October 18 | Request copies of 497 forms filed between 10/10/2016 and 10/14/2016 for all City Council candidates for Districts 2, 3, 5 and 6. |
Closed | 2174 | October 18 | Incident Reports, Emergency/Priority maintenance notices from both state employees and civilians, and Records of Requests for maintenance. This is in regards trees on the street of Nina Pl. Located between Paloma and Garden Grove Blvd. just south-east of City Council and Offices. Any and all... |
Closed | 2173 | October 18 | Hi, I'm requesting the most current Zoning Shapefile for city of Garden Grove. The GIS department should have this data. Thanks! |
Closed | 2172 | October 18 | I am requesting your assistance. Can I please be provided a list of all the consolidated precincts for CD3 in Garden Grove. I would like to know the polling locations as well. |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due