List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 2875 July 26

Copy of current rate sheet for municipal solid waste with Republic Services. (Includes both residential and commercial rates).

Closed 2873 July 25

I would like all building permits related to the residential home with the address of 9211 Marchand Avenue that have been issued since 1960.

Closed 2871 July 25

Please provide all records connected to the disposition of the OCTA Right-of Way land located between Euclid Street and Nelson Street and Brookhurst Street and the intersection of the said Right-of Way with Chapman Avenue. This disposition occurred between the dates of July 1, 2017 and July 25, 2...

Closed 2870 July 25

Requesting final outcomes and all notes on dogs not listed/seen on website , in care of OCHS, July 2017
GGAC# G000737, GFC000773 , G000753, G000741

Closed 2869 July 25

Requesting total number of Garden Grove dogs in the care/custody of Orange County Humane Society for the month of July, 2017.
To include all notes, location ,ID#.

Closed 2868 July 25

Requesting final outcome and all notes on male malamute mix
GGAC# G000808., Posted 7-19-2017.
To include exact holding location/sub location

Closed 2867 July 25

Requesting final outcome and all notes on male sr. pitbull/lab mix
GGAC# G000807., Posted 7-19-2017.
To include exact holding location/sub location

Closed 2866 July 25

Requesting final outcome and all notes on female terrier mix
GGAC# G000811, Posted 7-21-2017.
To include exact holding location/sub location

Closed 2865 July 25

Requesting final outcome and all notes on female sr. chi/terrier mix
GGAC# G000818, Posted 7-22-2017.
To include exact holding location/sub location

Closed 2864 July 25

Requesting final outcome and all notes on female c. spaniel
GGAC# G000823, Posted 7-23-2017.
To include exact holding location/sub location


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray