List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 3060 September 18

Requesting information on GGAC intake s #G000894 and #G000895 being held at OC Humane Society, I want all notes, including medical, all locations held and final outcome.

Closed 3059 September 18

This firm would like to request all records from earliest to present for the following address: 7100 Lampson Ave, Garden Grove, CA 92641
Pertaining to Underground storage tanks (USTs) installation, monitoring and removal and Hazardous Materials/Waste inspections, inventories, and release/cleanu...

Closed 3058 September 18

Any reports of the storage, release or spillage of hazardous materials (HAZMAT), or substances or petroleum products that have ever been located on the property. If any Underground storage tanks (USTs), aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) are or previously have been on the property.

Closed 3057 September 14

I want to know the amount of any liens and fees against the property located at 6151 Cerulean Ave. Garden Grove, Ca. 92845.

Closed 3056 September 14

Requesting (1) copy of latest contract signed between Garden Grove and Redflex Traffic Systems extending the Traffic Photo Enforcement Program; (2) the length of the yellow light signal time at intersections included in the Traffic Photo Enforcement Program; and (3) the date of the latest traffic...

Closed 3055 September 13

My PRR request #3024 was not satisfied correctly for the month of June. I asked for all incomes and outcomes of animals from OC Humane Society for the period of 6/1/2017 - 6/30/2017. This would include all June intakes (strays, owner surrenders, returns, transfers in) and all June adopti...

Closed 3053 September 13

Requesting GGAC total animal intake log from Sept 1 through Sept. 11,2017.
To include after hour pick ups by GGPD and location animals held at.

Closed 3052 September 13

Requesting all GG Animals in custody/care of OCHS from Sept 1-11,2017.
To include GGAC drop offs, owner surrenders, and over the counter.
Also to include all notes and location animals being held.

Closed 3051 September 11

This Public Records Request relates to the operation of the “Citizens Request” platform that the city utilizes to handle issues as reported by residents, (, of which there have been perceived concerns as observed by several citizens of the city...

Closed 3050 September 11

Any death that may have occurred in my home 12831 Aspenwood Lane
Garden Grove, CA 92840


  • Yellow
    Not yet received
  • Green
    Received, unassigned
  • Blue
    Assigned, pending
  • Red
    Past due
  • Gray