List of Requests
# | Received | Request | |
Closed | 6453 | December 11 | 11381 Wasco rd
Closed | 6452 | December 10 | Public records request for the contract for graffiti removal for the entire City of Garden Grove Ca per year and does it cover the Congressional Honor Bike & Pedestrian Trail park both north and south block walls. |
Closed | 6451 | December 10 | request public records for the OCTA approval of the City of Garden Grove Ca for the lease agreement for approval installation of irrigation with location of 365 trees along both sides of the class one trail. Request documents that call for limit the lease agreement containment limit to just the s... |
Closed | 6448 | December 09 | I'd like a list of all residential properties with 3 or more code violations (in the last 6 months). There is no specific code violation I want. I'm just looking for properties that might suggest vacancy or poor property maintenance. I would also prefer the list to be in excel format. |
Closed | 6447 | December 09 | Please provide copies of the bids submitted by each prospective bidder for the Graffiti Removal Services RFP. |
Closed | 6446 | December 09 | Hello,
Closed | 6445 | December 08 | I would like to submit a request for underground utilities at following location: Lampson Ave & S Euclid St Garden Grove, CA 92840. The type of files I need are: any plans/maps that show where the underground utilities are located (such as water, sewer, storm drain, gas, electrical), any tract/pa... |
Closed | 6444 | December 08 | can you please send me business list in December in excel please |
Closed | 6441 | December 07 | I am looking for the permit history and current zoning for the property at 13702 Euclid St Garden Grove. I am a Real Estate Appraiser and am currently completing an appraisal on this property for the owner to Re-finance. I have been unable to find a link to look into this property via the websi... |
Closed | 6440 | December 07 | As part of on going underground storage tank (UST) clean up case involving a petroleum release, the Orange County Health Care Agency's Environmental Health Division Site Mitigation Section is requesting Garden Grove Fire Department any historical records (1956 to 2019) that might contain permi... |
YellowNot yet received
GreenReceived, unassigned
BlueAssigned, pending
RedPast due