List of Requests

# Received Request
Closed 6770 April 07

Code Enforcement came out to our neighbors. We request the Inspection Record and all associated documents for 11662 and 11661 Flamingo Drive in Garden Grove, CA 92841 on April 6, 2021. If no violations, please disregard.

Closed 6769 April 07

On 3/25/2021 I was involved in an accident with the Garden Grove Street Sweeper team at 12742 Lampson Ave at 6:00 A.M. , specifically the Garden Grove spotter truck, struck my vehicle. Therefore I am requesting a copy of the accident or incident reports that should have been filed with the Stree...

Closed 6768 April 06

To whom it may concern,
We are conducting a Project Capital Needs Assessment of the nursing home at 12332 Garden Grove Boulevard. To complete our report, we need to ask for municipal property records, regarding the following information:

When was the last building inspection?
Are there any o...

Closed 6767 April 06

I would like to get information on the piping for the house, address 9302 Florence Lane, Garden Grove 92841. Can you provide a blueprint, property line, and past permit? or any records we have for this property. Thank you, Lina

Closed 6766 April 06

march new business list
please include business name, address, phone number and business owner name

thank you so much! :)

Closed 6765 April 06

request all documents current from traffic engineering with traffic study for Nelson north of Garden Grove Blvd to Stanford next from Main Street to Acacia west top Nelson. Next Lampson from Stanford to Brookhurst east to west. ...

Closed 6764 April 05


I am trying to complete the FEMA form to get the two year permit history construction valuation for address 13591 Harbor Blvd.

Please advise.

Closed 6763 April 05

can I please get the new business listing for the month of march, thank you.

Closed 6762 April 05


I apologize that we did not follow-up sooner by phone. We are now fast approaching our deadline for the Transient Occupancy Tax Report to the State of California. Please give me a call if you have questions.

Closed 6761 April 05

Hello the city is requesting for the pdf version of plumbing permit# 20-3933. Can you please provide me with this. I can not locate it in my email. Thank you


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    Not yet received
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    Received, unassigned
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    Assigned, pending
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    Past due
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